[Nestmates] RFR (M): 8191115: [Nestmates] Expand testing for access control failures

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Dec 6 06:09:51 UTC 2017

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191115
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8191115/webrev/

Previously TestNestmateMembership triggered the various nest membership 
and nest-host related exceptions, only in the context of method 
invocation. This issue expands that coverage to:

- constructors
- fields (get and set)

and in addition expands the tested mechanisms from direct bytecodes to 
include reflection and MethodHandle use. Now we have complete coverage 
of the code paths that can lead to a failing nest membership check - see 
bug for details.

The primary changes are in TestNestmateMembership.java, with some 
additional changes in PackagedNestHost.java/PackagedNestHost2.java.

The jcod changes simply reflect the updates to the original Java 
versions of those classes and don't need to be examined in any detail 
(the constant pools are much larger now).

A few other tests have some minor commentary changes.

BTW: these tests still follow the previous failure rules from the 
nestmates spec updates, not the latest rules that Dan has posted. The 
update to the new rules will occur shortly under JDK-8191114.


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