MVT-based vectors: first stab

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at
Wed Jun 28 16:44:42 UTC 2017

Yes, the patch fixes the bug I hit in GWT & loop intrinsics. Thanks!

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 6/28/17 7:07 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Could you please try this patch and tell me if that helps for the 
> liveness trouble?
> Cheers
> Maurizio
> On 28/06/17 16:20, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>> Best regards,
>> Vladimir Ivanov
>> On 6/28/17 6:00 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> On 28/06/17 15:36, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>>>> On 6/28/17 5:08 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> Great work Vlad; I have two questions before I dive in more details
>>>>> * why did you need to handle arrayLength() specially? Since an 
>>>>> array is a reference, shouldn't it work already?
>>>> It's a workaround for C2 crashes I observed when working with 
>>>> arraylength method handle on Q-typed arrays. The problem for the 
>>>> compiler is that the implementation uses 
>>>> ArrayAccessor.lengthL(Object[]), so on bytecode level there's a 
>>>> conflict between declared & actual type (DVT[] doesn't extend 
>>>> Object[]).
>>>> IMO the proper fix would be to have "erased" version for such cases 
>>>> (or replace all primitive array specializations with a single 
>>>> "erased" version):
>>>>   static int lengthL(java.lang.Object);
>>>>          0: aload_0
>>>>          1: arraylength
>>>>          2: ireturn
>>>> But it can't be expressed in Java language and requires bytecode 
>>>> generation.
>>> OK - in other words, we need to specialize array length, because of 
>>> the missing subtyping edge. Ugh.
>> Yes. Moreover, I've just checked and the verifier complains about 
>> non-array types on stack for arraylength instruction.
>> Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack in 
>> arraylength
>> Exception Details:
>>   Location:
>>     Test.length(Ljava/lang/Object;)I @1: arraylength
>>   Reason:
>>     Invalid type: 'java/lang/Object' (current frame, stack[0])
>>   Current Frame:
>>     bci: @1
>>     flags: { }
>>     locals: { 'java/lang/Object' }
>>     stack: { 'java/lang/Object' }
>> So, it seems longer term the only alternative to specialization is 
>> Unsafe.
>>>>> * Can you explain me exactly what you were trying to achieve with 
>>>>> state.push/state.pop in the intrinsic generation? Typically the 
>>>>> state is updated through opcodes - so, assuming you are generating 
>>>>> bytecodes that make sense, you should not need this - unless there 
>>>>> are bugs in the code builder (which is possible!)
>>>> The following sequence usually hits the bug in the code builder:
>>>>   builder.goto_("l1");
>>>>   builder.label("l2");
>>>> goto_() doesn't wipe the state, but the state at l2 doesn't relate 
>>>> to the state when jumping to l1. It usually manifests as stack depth 
>>>> or type mismatches when trying to merge the states in builder.label().
>>> I see - that's a well-known issue - the builder currently doesn't 
>>> handle reachability. In your case, the builder should realize that 
>>> code after 'goto' is dead, so it should just try to merge an empty 
>>> state with the state of the code that is jumping to "l2" (of course 
>>> this assumes that there's no other subsequent backward jump to "l2" 
>>> otherwise the simple stackmap analysis implemented here would fail 
>>> and you'll need some fix point calculation a la ASM).
>> Yeah, backward jumps cause issues to one-pass solutions.
>> Best regards,
>> Vladimir Ivanov
>>>>> On 28/06/17 14:17, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I started playing with MVT-based vectors recently and want to 
>>>>>> share my experience so far.
>>>>>> For the first step, I decided to avoid specific treatment of 
>>>>>> super-longs (Long2/4/8) in the JVM we have in Panama and just mark 
>>>>>> them as VCCs for now:
>>>>>>   @DeriveValueType
>>>>>>   final class Long2 { public final long lo, hi; }
>>>>>> As a test case I chose sum of array elements:
>>>>>>   long sum(QLong2[] va) {
>>>>>>     QLong2 v = QLong2.default; // (0,0)
>>>>>>     for (int i = 0; i < va.length; i++) {
>>>>>>       QLong2 vi = va[i];
>>>>>>       v = QLong2(v.lo + vi.lo, v.hi + vi.hi);
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     return v.lo + v.hi;
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>> Here are the changes:
>>>>>> I hit some bugs along the way and had to extend the code for 
>>>>>> Q-types in some places to get decent code shape generated. (I'll 
>>>>>> shepherd the fixes in the repo separately.) I ended up with the 
>>>>>> following generated code:
>>>>>> Unfortunately, there are still 2 allocations left in the generated 
>>>>>> code (out of 5 initially). C2 can't scalarize the accumulator (v) 
>>>>>> inside the loop and has to put updated components (lo & hi) in 
>>>>>> allocated heap buffer on every iteration over the array (generated 
>>>>>> code [1], C2 EA output [2]).
>>>>>>   hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/type.cpp
>>>>>>     * Type::get_typeflow_type() doesn't distinguish between 
>>>>>> TypeValueTypePtr & TypeValueType
>>>>>> jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
>>>>>>     * introduced some LF intrinsics, e.g. LOOP and 
>>>>>>     * had to workaround control flow-related bugs in the bytecode 
>>>>>> library (jdk.experimental.bytecode): broken JVM state after 
>>>>>> goto_() (see FIXME marks in the code);
>>>>>>     * fixed 2-slot types support: wrong local indexes were used
>>>>>> jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ 
>>>>>>     * MHI.unboxResultHandle misses unboxing step for Q-types
>>>>>> jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/
>>>>>> jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/experimental/value/
>>>>>>     * had to add a specialization for arraylength on Q-typed 
>>>>>> array, because C2 can't handle arraylength Object[] when Q[] 
>>>>>> instance is on stack;
>>>>>> jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/experimental/bytecode/ 
>>>>>>     * changes required to workaround goto_() bug
>>>>>>     * fixed CP patching support
>>>>>> jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/experimental/value/ 
>>>>>>     * fixed CP patching support
>>>>>>   hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/metachunk.hpp
>>>>>>   hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/method.hpp
>>>>>>     Fix optimized JVM build.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Vladimir Ivanov
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> ;; B7: # B8 <- B9  top-of-loop
>>>>>> mov    %r9,0x10(%rsp)
>>>>>> mov    0x8(%rsp),%r11d
>>>>>> ;; B8: # B16 B9 <- B6 B7   Loop: B8-B7 inner
>>>>>> mov    %r11d,0x8(%rsp)
>>>>>> movabs $0x7c0060420,%rsi  ; {metadata('valhalla/vector/Long2$Value')}
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> callq  0x0000000117579820 ;   {runtime_call _new_instance_Java}
>>>>>> ;; B9: # B7 B10 <- B8
>>>>>> mov    %rax,%r9
>>>>>> mov    0x10(%rsp),%r11
>>>>>> mov    0x10(%r11),%r10
>>>>>> mov    0x18(%r11),%r11
>>>>>> movslq %ebp,%r8
>>>>>> shl    $0x4,%r8
>>>>>> mov    (%rsp),%rcx
>>>>>> mov    0x18(%rcx,%r8,1),%rax
>>>>>> mov    0x10(%rcx,%r8,1),%r8  ;*vaload
>>>>>> add    %r11,%rax          ;*ladd
>>>>>> mov    %rax,0x18(%r9)
>>>>>> add    %r10,%r8           ;*ladd
>>>>>> mov    %r8,0x10(%r9)
>>>>>> inc    %ebp               ;*iadd
>>>>>> cmp    0x8(%rsp),%ebp
>>>>>> jl     <B7>               ;*if_icmpge
>>>>>> [2] Pruned EA output (full output in the log)
>>>>>> ======== Connection graph for valhalla.vector.VectorTest::sumArrayL2
>>>>>> JavaObject NoEscape(NoEscape) NSR [ 1267F 1265F 756F 754F 1581F 
>>>>>> 1579F [ 1259 1264 532 1525 ]]   1247    Allocate
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1247P [ 1264 ]]   1259    Proj ... #5
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1259 1247P [ 1267b 1265b 532 1525 ]]   1264 CheckCastPP 
>>>>>> ... #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 324 1264 1247P 307P [ 756b 754b ]]   532    Phi ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1264 324 1247P 307P [ 1581b 1579b ]]   1525 Phi ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> JavaObject NoEscape(NoEscape) [ 1154F [ 1148 1153 ]] 1136 Allocate
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1136P [ 1153 ]]   1148    Proj ... #5
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1148 1136P [ 1154b ]]   1153    CheckCastPP ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> JavaObject NoEscape(NoEscape) [ [ 1053 ]]   1041 Allocate
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1041P [ ]]   1053    Proj ... #5
>>>>>> JavaObject NoEscape(NoEscape) [ 653F 651F [ 645 650 ]] 633 Allocate
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 633P [ 650 ]]   645    Proj ... #5
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 645 633P [ 653b 651b ]]   650    CheckCastPP ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> JavaObject NoEscape(NoEscape) NSR [ 756F 754F 1581F 1579F [ 319 
>>>>>> 324 532 1525 ]]   307    Allocate
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 307P [ 324 ]]   319    Proj ... #5
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 319 307P [ 532 1525 ]]   324    CheckCastPP ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 324 1264 1247P 307P [ 756b 754b ]]   532    Phi ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> LocalVar [ 1264 324 1247P 307P [ 1581b 1579b ]]   1525 Phi ... 
>>>>>> #valuetype* valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> Scalar  1153    CheckCastPP ... #valuetype* 
>>>>>> valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> ++++ Eliminated: 1136 Allocate
>>>>>> Scalar  1041    Allocate ...
>>>>>> ++++ Eliminated: 1041 Allocate
>>>>>> Scalar  650    CheckCastPP ... #valuetype* 
>>>>>> valhalla/vector/Long2$Value:NotNull
>>>>>> ++++ Eliminated: 633 Allocate

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