Initial RFR: 8187302: [Nestmates] Prepare for classfile version 54 and javac "release" update

Karen Kinnear karen.kinnear at
Thu Sep 7 13:20:24 UTC 2017

10 is planning to bump to 54 for condy


> On Sep 7, 2017, at 6:48 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
> Hi Remi,
> On 7/09/2017 7:39 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Having 10 -> v53 and 11 -> v54 is weird,
> How is that weird? I just incremented the value. If it turns out that 10 needs to bump to 54 then I'd bump 11 to 55.
>> perhaps, --release 99 is better than release 11.
> ???
> David
>> Rémi
>> ----- Mail original -----
>>> De: "David Holmes" <david.holmes at>
>>> À: "valhalla-dev" <valhalla-dev at>
>>> Envoyé: Jeudi 7 Septembre 2017 10:54:04
>>> Objet: Initial RFR: 8187302: [Nestmates] Prepare for classfile version 54 and javac "release" update
>>> webrev:
>>> (please ignore the two hotspot test changes)
>>> This changes prepares for switching to release 11 and classfile version
>>> 54 so that I can put classfile version checks where needed, and compile
>>> tests the right way, where needed.
>>> Initially the default remains release 10 and v53, but --release 11 can
>>> be used to explicitly use v54.
>>> I think I have found everything that needs updating to allow use of
>>> release 11 and v54 classfiles.
>>> Testing so far is minimal: javac -> v53
>>>                            javac --release 11 -> v54
>>> langtools/tools/javac testing also conducted.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David

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