Initial RFR: 8187302: [Nestmates] Prepare for classfile version 54 and javac "release" update

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Sep 12 06:46:20 UTC 2017

On 7/09/2017 6:54 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> webrev:
> (please ignore the two hotspot test changes)
> This changes prepares for switching to release 11 and classfile version 
> 54 so that I can put classfile version checks where needed, and compile 
> tests the right way, where needed.
> Initially the default remains release 10 and v53, but --release 11 can 
> be used to explicitly use v54.

I got a bit ahead of myself here. "-source 11 -target 11" work but 
"--release 11" is a lot more involved and beyond what I can (or need to) 
readily do.

So ignore this for now and I'll come back with revised changes later.


> I think I have found everything that needs updating to allow use of 
> release 11 and v54 classfiles.
> Testing so far is minimal: javac -> v53
>                             javac --release 11 -> v54
> langtools/tools/javac testing also conducted.
> Thanks,
> David

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