[PATCH] ObjectInputStream Reading Performance Optimisation

Ben Walsh ben_walsh at uk.ibm.com
Wed Feb 7 14:18:19 UTC 2018

Okey dokey. I'll resubmit to core-libs-dev. Thanks Alan.


From:   Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
To:     Ben Walsh <ben_walsh at uk.ibm.com>, David Holmes 
<david.holmes at oracle.com>
Cc:     valhalla-dev at openjdk.java.net
Date:   07/02/2018 13:29
Subject:        Re: [PATCH] ObjectInputStream Reading Performance 

On 07/02/2018 12:55, Ben Walsh wrote:
> Hi David,
> I suspected the adding of
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ClassCache.java and the usage of it,
> would mean this patch would have to go through the "proving ground" of
> valhalla.
> I am happy to resubmit to core-libs-dev if that is not the case or I 
> misunderstood.
> Ben
I don't have the full context here but core-libs-dev is the place to 
bring optimizations to serialization. As David said, serialization and 
OIS/deserialization in particular, has a long rap sheet, including 
security issues found with previous attempts to cache the "latest user 
defined class loader". I also have concerns that this is introducing 
code that may not be exercised in OpenJDK. If you can get someone to 
publish a webrev on cr.ojn and start a discussion on core-libs-dev then 
it would be helpful.


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