Moving from VVT to the L-world value types (LWVT)

Frederic Parain frederic.parain at
Tue Jan 16 21:40:40 UTC 2018

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> On Jan 16, 2018, at 15:56, Frederic Parain <frederic.parain at> wrote:
> Here’s an attempt to bootstrap the L-world exploration, where java.lang.Object
> is the top type of all value classes (as discussed during the November meetings
> in Burlington).
> This proposal tries to evolve the JVMS with a small set of changes to have an
> implementable specification of the L-world. Instead of trying to add Q/R/U-types to
> the JVMS, the approach is to expend the JVMS notion of “reference” to cover
> both regular classes and value classes. The notion of “class” has also be extended
> to cover both, but when needed, it is possible to specify an “object class” or a
> “value class”, or respectively, “an instance of an object class” vs “an instance of
> a value class”. The “Q…;” format is still used for value class types, but the “;Q”
> trick is gone.
> The attach document contains sections of the JVMS that have been modified
> to implement the L-world. The text doesn’t have change bars, so people are
> encouraged to read each modified section entirely to see if it is consistent to
> cover all cases of the L-world.
> Here’s a quick summary of the changes with some consequences on the HotSpot code:
>  - all v-bytecodes are removed except vdefault and vwithfield
>  - all bytecodes operating on an object receiver are updated to support values as well,
>    except putfield and new
>  - single carrier type for both instances of object classes and instances of value classes
>  - this carrier type maps to the T_OBJECT BasicType
>  - T_VALUETYPE still exists but its usage is limited (same purpose as T_ARRAY)
>  - qtos TosState is removed
>  - JNI: the jobject type can be used to carry either a reference to an object or an
>           array or a value. The type jvaluetype, sub-type of jobject, is used when only
>           a value class instance is expected
> - Q…; remains the way to encode value classes in signature (fields and methods)
> - In the constant pool, the CONSTANT_CLASS_info entry type is used to store a
>   symbolic reference to either an object class or a value class
> - the ;Q escape sequence is not used anymore in value class names
> One important point of this exercise is to ensure that the migration of Value Based Classes
> into Value Classes is possible, and doable with a reasonable complexity and costs. In addition
> to the JVMS update (and consistent with the JVMS modifications), here’s a set of proposals
> on how to deal with the VBC migration. 
> Migration of Value Based Classes into Value Classes:
>  - challenges:
>      - signature mismatch
>      - null
>      - change in behavior
>  - proposal for signature mismatch:
>       - with LWVT, value class types in signatures are using the Q…; format
>       - legacy code is using signature with L…; format (because VBC are object classes)
>       - methods will have two signatures:
>         - true signature, which could include Q…; elements 
>         - a L-ified signature where all Q…; elements are re-written with the L…; format
>         - method lookup still works by signature string comparisons
>         - the signature of the method being looked up will compared against both the
>           true and the L-ified signatures, if the looked up signature matches the L-ified
>           signature but not the true signature, it means a situation where legacy code
>           is trying to invoke migrated code has been detected, and additional work might
>           be required for the invocation (actions to be taken have to be defined)
>        - signature mismatch can also occur for fields, this is still being investigating, the
>          proposal will be updated as soon as we have a solution ready to be published
>  - proposal for null references leaking to migrated code
>      - having a null reference for a Value Based Class variable or field is valid in legacy code
>        but it becomes invalid when the Value Based Class has been migrated to a Value Class
>      - trying to prevent all references with a value class type to get a null value would be very
>        expensive (it would require to look at the stackmap for each assignment to a local variable)
>     -  the proposed solution is to allow null references for local variable and expression stack slots,
>        but forbid them for fields or array elements (bytecodes operating on fields and array have to
>        be updated to throw a NPE whenever a null reference is provided instead of a value class
>        instance)
>     - null references are likely to be an issue for JIT optimizations like passing values in registers
>       when a method is invoked. The proposed solution is to only allow null references for value classes
>       in legacy code, by detecting them and blocking them when leaking to migrated code. The
>       detection can be done at invocation time, when a mismatch between the signature expected
>      by the caller and the real signature of the callee is detected (see signature mismatch proposal above)
>    - the null reference should also be detected and blocked when it is used as a return value and the
>      type of the value to be returned is a value class type 
> In addition to the JVMS update, here’s a chart trying to summarize the new checks that will have to
> be added to existing bytecode when moving the vbytecodes semantic in to a* bytecodes. The categories
> in the chart are not very precise, but we can use it as a starting point for our discussions. The chart
> can also help defining which experiments could be done to estimate the costs of the different additional
> checks needed to be added to existing bytecodes.
> All these are preliminary works for a proposal to implement the L-world value types and not a definitive
> specification. This has to be analyzed and discussed before any attempt to implement it starts.
> Feel free to send feedback, comments, other proposals, etc.
> Thank you,
> Fred
> <L-World-JVMS-1.pdf><BytecodesAdditionalTests-1.pdf>

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