RFR: 8193472 [Valhalla] Interpreter should be able to return values in TLVB

bdelsart work bdelsart.work at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 15:51:27 UTC 2018

Salut Fred et bonne année.

Je n'ai pas vu de réponse à ce RFR. Préviens moi si il toujours d'actualité
et si tu as besoin que je m'en occupe.



Freelance - Bertrand Delsart Software Solutions
Remote Research, Development and Troubleshooting
JVM, Real-Time and Concurrency expert

2017-12-13 21:42 GMT+01:00 Frederic Parain <frederic.parain at oracle.com>:

> Please, review this fix to improve the way values are returned by the
> interpreter,
> using the Thread-Local Value Buffer whenever possible. The return in the
> is currently disabled, because some fixes are required in JIT code.
> CR:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193472
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~fparain/8193472/webrev.00/index.html
> Thank you,
> Fred

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