RFR: JDK-8205549 JDK-8205698 Support of flattened values in Unsafe

Tobias Hartmann tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Mon Jul 2 10:01:26 UTC 2018

Hi Karen,

On 29.06.2018 23:40, Karen Kinnear wrote:
> Step 1:
>    Have Frederic check in his native changes including getObject/putObject native changes. Remove @HotspotIntrinsic for getObject/putObject.

Please note that just removing the @HotspotIntrinsic is not enough (the method will still be
intrinsified by C2). Changes to C2 are required to disable intrinsification.

> My expectation of intrinsics is:
>   1. The new getReference/putReference will use exactly the same code as today’s getObject/putObject, so
> it could use the same intrinsics


>   2. The new getValue/putValue will need new intrinsics - which have additional challenges for example due to scalarization

Right, I've filed JDK-8206144 to keep track of this.

>   3. getObject/putObject will no longer be intensified

Sounds reasonable if these methods will go away soon. We will wait until the classlibraries/runtime
changes are in and then fix C2 accordingly.


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