RFR:JDK-8198749 Translation of value constructors in classic constructor notation

Srikanth srikanth.adayapalam at oracle.com
Fri Jul 13 05:39:02 UTC 2018

On Thursday 12 July 2018 08:47 AM, John Rose wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2018, at 6:08 PM, Brian Goetz <Brian.Goetz at Oracle.COM> wrote:
>>> I think we will end up with some user-level syntax for referring to a VT's
>>> default value by name.  Something like `` VT.default ``.  It would compile
>>> directly to a defaultvalue instruction.  Perhaps via a tree that strongly
>>> resembles a global constant reference in VT.  Hmm, nice how all that
>>> hangs together…
>> T.default is what we used in Model 3.
> Yeah; I think it's probably safe to add to current prototypes.
> Not hard to change if we decide to do something else later.

If that is a definite requirement, please say so on 
and I will follow up.


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