RFR(M): 8206141: [lworld] Improve accessing a flattened value type array passed as Object[]

Tobias Hartmann tobias.hartmann at oracle.com
Mon Oct 1 10:13:45 UTC 2018

Hi Roland,

The code in parse2.cpp:212 is now always null checking the value for Object array stores, right?

Why do you need the gen_value_type_array_guard in parse2.cpp:241? Couldn't you do the null checking
in the runtime? This code also emits a redundant check for is_value_array.

I think you can remove the now unused GraphKit::gen_flattened_array_guard. Also, you can remove the
whitespace before ; at parse2.cpp:214 (no new webrev required).

You are now always calling gen_value_type_array_guard with NULL as elem_klass, so you can remove
that argument.


On 28.09.2018 14:39, Roland Westrelin wrote:
> Hi Ioi,
> Thanks for looking at this change.
>> Could the above blocks be somehow refactored, along with the following 
>> method, so we can avoid duplicated code?
> Right. Here is a new webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~roland/8206141/webrev.02/
> Roland.

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