RFR 8222717 [lworld] Calling convention - repair C1 stack

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Tue Apr 23 01:02:25 UTC 2019

  Hi Tobias,

Here's an example of the code that I am generating for JDK-8222717 
[lworld] Calling
convention - repair C1 stack [1]

The C2 stack repair code relies on the reserved slots in the VEP calling 
(see [2], page 14) to preserve the caller's return address.

However, I haven't quite figured out how to do the same thing for
the VVEP calling convention (as doing so will also recursively affect 
the VEP convetion).
So for now, I decide to have a simplier approach for C1, by directly 
manipulating the
return address on the stack. See line 165 in the following dump.

Actually, I am not quite sure how the C2 code uses the RA pushed by line 
31, but it
turns out to be very handy for C1 :-)

Here's the webrev:


With C1, the frequency of stack extension is much lower (only when you 
have scalarized
floating-point fields), so even though the code is not as efficient as 
the C2 stack
repair code, maybe it's still OK?

What do you think?

- Ioi

public class Foo {
     static value class V {
       int a = 0, b = 0;
     // C1 extends stack (1 extra stack word)
     static int test(U u1, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) {
         return a1 + a2 + a6;
     public static void main(String args[]) {
         V v = new V();
         System.out.println("Hello: " + test(u, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));


Foo.test(QFoo$U;IIIIII)I  [0x00007fc7a0e361e0, 0x00007fc7a0e36398]  440 
[Disassembling for mach='i386:x86-64']
   # {method} {0x00007fc78b2f7808} 'test' '(QFoo$U;IIIIII)I' in 'Foo'
[Entry Point]
[Verified Entry Point]
[Verified Value Entry Point (RO)]
   # parm0:    xmm0      = float
   # parm1:    xmm1      = float
   # parm2:    xmm2      = float
   # parm3:    rsi       = int
   # parm4:    rdx       = int
   # parm5:    rcx       = int
   # parm6:    r8        = int
   # parm7:    r9        = int
   # parm8:    rdi       = int
   #           [sp+0x40]  (sp of caller)
  ;;  block B1 [0, 0]

      0: push   %rbp
      1: sub    $0x30,%rsp
      5: mov    $0x7fc78b2f7808,%rbx
     15: callq  0x00007fc7a09d8ac0  ;   {runtime_call buffer_value_args 
Runtime1 stub}
     20: pop    %rbp

// extend stack
     21: add    $0x30,%rsp
     25: pop    %r13
     27: sub    $0x10,%rsp
     31: push   %r13                ; << RA saved by stack extension code

     33: mov    %rdi,0x8(%rsp)
     38: mov    %r9,%rdi
     41: mov    %r8,%r9
     44: mov    %rcx,%r8
     47: mov    %rdx,%rcx
     50: mov    %rsi,%rdx
     53: mov    0x10(%rax),%esi
     56: vmovss %xmm0,0x10(%rsi)
     61: vmovss %xmm1,0x14(%rsi)
     66: vmovss %xmm2,0x18(%rsi)

     71: mov    %eax,-0x16000(%rsp)

     78: push   %rbp                ; << now RA is just one word below 
saved rbp
     79: sub    $0x30,%rsp
     83: movq   $0x50,0x8(%rsp)
     92: jmpq    L_1 (149) v

[Verified Value Entry Point]
   # parm0:    rsi:rsi   = 'java/lang/Object'
   # parm1:    rdx       = int
   # parm2:    rcx       = int
   # parm3:    r8        = int
   # parm4:    r9        = int
   # parm5:    rdi       = int
   # parm6:    [sp+0x40]   = int  (sp of caller)
    128: mov    %eax,-0x16000(%rsp)
    135: push   %rbp                ; << RA is  one word below saved rbp
    136: sub    $0x30,%rsp
    140: movq   $0x40,0x8(%rsp)

    149: mov    0x40(%rsp),%eax
  ;;  block B0 [0, 6]

    153: add    %ecx,%edx
    155: add    %eax,%edx
    157: mov    %rdx,%rax

    // stack repair
    160: mov    0x38(%rsp),%r13     ; get saved RA
    165: mov    0x30(%rsp),%rbp     ; restore saved rbp
    170: add    0x8(%rsp),%rsp
    175: push   %r13                ; push RA, so stack would look the
                                    ; same as @ line 135
    // stack repair - end

    177: mov    0x128(%r15),%r10
    184: test   %eax,(%r10)         ;   {poll_return}
    187: retq                       ; return to caller

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222717

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