java.lang.constant.ClassDesc and TypeDescriptor for hidden class??

John Rose john.r.rose at
Thu Apr 2 02:34:37 UTC 2020

On Apr 1, 2020, at 6:19 PM, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at> wrote:
> I started with an unique name within the namespace of a class loader and later proposed as during the execution of JVM.   The implementation is using a pointer address in the VM (not a counter).   Making the uniqueness as a quarantee during the execution of JVM is flaw as you point out.
> What about:
> The hidden class's name `N + "/" + <suffix>` is guaranteed to be unique among live classes at runtime.
> The unique names among the classes would help the diagnosability.   (we want hidden classes untie with class loaders and so uniqueness among live classes rather than classes defined by the same class loader).
> I file <> to track this issue.

I would prefer to say that the suffix is simply an unspecified
simple name.  Then leave it open for implementations to make it more
or less unpredictable, as a matter of QoS.  The standard of quality we
should aim at is that of System.identityHashCode—nothing much more
than that is desirable, and it’s easy to get at least that much quality.

The java doc for Object.hashCode says this about the QoS I want here:

>      * As far as is reasonably practical, the {@code hashCode} method defined
>      * by class {@code Object} returns distinct integers for distinct objects.

So, the behavior I would like to keep open is something that cannot
readily be distinguished from functions like these…

static String nextSuffix1() { return new Integer.toHexString(Object().hashCode()); }
static String nextSuffix2() { return new Integer.toUnsignedString(Object().hashCode(), 36); }
static String nextSuffix3() { return nextSuffix1()+nextSuffix2(); }

…and many others.

And I would settle for nextSuffix1, which (after all) is also a suffix of
the already specified value of new Object().toString().  To me, the result
of HC.toString() (where HC is a hidden class) should not be more deeply
informative than new Object().toString().  Also, the behavior currently
coded (in mangle_hidden_class_name) is consistent with nextSuffix1.

(Observation:  The JVM has no reason to choose this suffix, beyond the
simple reason that it is the first party to peek into the byte[] array of
the classfile image.  It would be nice if the JDK platform code could
take responsibility for generating that extra suffix; it would make QoS
adjustments easier down the road.  We could even go all the way and
guarantee that all such suffixes are truly unique; it would be a page of
Java code but several pages of HotSpot code.  But, that’s inconvenient,
so I don’t recommend that now.)

A parting shot:  Yes, technically the implementation of the suffix
choosing (mangle_hidden_class_name) probably upholds almost the full
guarantee.  (Although, it can fail if the JVM unloads and reloads a HC
of the same name at the same metadata address.)  But if we make the
full guarantee part of the API, we set ourselves up to maintain that strong
behavior even if we move to another implementation in which metadata
pointers are allowed to change.  I know we don’t want to do that, but
this is an example of how an overly strong guarantee that seems easy
to do in *one* JVM implementation can create headaches for *other*
JVM implementations.  What’s easy to do in our implementation is
*often* close to the right primitive to specify, but we have a responsibility
to remove unnecessary promises and other implementation artifacts
from our specification.

— John

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