java.lang.constant.ClassDesc and TypeDescriptor for hidden class??
John Rose
john.r.rose at
Tue Apr 7 00:21:04 UTC 2020
On Apr 2, 2020, at 10:03 PM, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
> But, I think the best compromise is to admit that, just
> as Class::getName returns an intentionally invalid
> though suggestive class name (rather than null or an
> exception), so Class::descriptorString should return
> the intentionally invalid though suggestive field
> descriptor which is regularly derived from said
> Class::getName. This provides consistency in
> string-valued outputs; in the absence of an argument
> why their treatment should be inconsistent,
> consistency is less confusing and should win.
My previous Email was confusing because it gave
two conflicting answers both incomplete. Let me
start again. (Thanks Mandy for querying me on
First of all, it should *never* be the case that a
`ClassDesc` should represent a symbol which is
not well formed at the descriptor level. Since
there is no well formed descriptor for a HC,
it followed that `Class::describeConstable`
should never return a non-empty value.
Second of all, associated with the constable
interface for `Class`, but independent, are three
API points that produce useful reflective
representations of type `String`. There
is the old `getName` and `getSimpleName`,
and the new `descriptorString`.
In order to allow HCs to be printed they must
be named. Thus, HCs must produce names.
(And simple-names, for places like the `toString`
method of `MethodType`.) These names are
dual-use, for human reading and for resolution
by recycling them through `Class::toName` and
related API points. The first use does not require
well-formed class names, and for HC’s (for the first
time) we *forbid* `toName` to produce a well-formed
class name. This ensures that a HC’s name can be
printed for humans to read, but cannot accidentally
be resolved.
I suggest that `descriptorString` be *also* regarded
as a dual-use API point. This means that (a) a HC’s
descriptor string should be unsurprising to a human
reader, and (b) it must be unacceptable as an input
for a resolving API point. A corollary of (b) and of
my earlier point is that a HC’s descriptor string *also*
must be unacceptable to the factory methods for
`ClassDesc` and `MethodTypeDesc`.
Let me suggest a specific way to do this. A HC’s name
is of the form `N + S`, where N is a valid class name,
derived from the HC’s classfile, and S is a suffix added
by the platform. To prevent confusion with other names,
the suffix starts with slash ‘/’ and is otherwise a valid
unqualified name. In order to create a dual-use
(human readable but *not* resolvable) descriptor
for a HC, define it as the valid descriptor for a class
whose name is `N`, with a suffix `S`. I think this
meets all relevant use cases and requirements.
For example, a HC with original name `foo.Bar` and
suffix `/123` would have a descriptor string of
`Lfoo/Bar;/123`. This is simple and unsurprising.
Yes, it would be even simpler to throw an exception from
`Class::descriptorString` if the class is a HC. But I think
that’s *too simple*, because it makes `descriptorString`
useless as an input to any class’s `toString` method.
I think that would be a mistake, in the long run. String
producing methods are very useful for user output and
having them throw (or return null which is about as
surprising) is a sharp edge for anybody using them for
user output. I could be wrong about that, and if the rest
of y’all are sure I’m wrong about that, go ahead and
throw an exception. I’ll reserve the right to say “I told
you so” when the appropriate time comes.
— John
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