Null support for inline class reference projections through bitmaps

Christian Beikov christian.beikov at
Sat Dec 5 01:35:23 UTC 2020


up until now I was mainly reading mailing list topics and watching 
Youtube videos about Valhalla, but since default values for inline 
classes were recently discussed again in the "Embrace nulls" topic I 
wanted to discuss/share an idea I had.

Since there are types like e.g. LocalDate which would like to be inline 
classes but don't have a good default value, I was thinking about how 
the default value for value projections could be avoided and null could 
be used as default for reference projections efficiently.

1. How to avoid the need for default values for value projections

As far as I understood, default values are only relevant in the 
following contexts:

1.1. When accessing uninitialized fields of a value projection inline 
class type, one can observe the all zero bit value.

If we could disallow read access to such uninitialized fields and 
require explicit initialization through the verifier, the VM could 
safely continue using the all zero bit pattern for object allocation.

1.2. After value projection array creation, array elements are 
initialized with default values.

What if the creation of value projection arrays is only allowed for 
inline classes that have a default constructor(in the newarray bytecode 
the VM initializes the cached default value as created by the default 
constructor) and through an intrinsic method e.g. <any T> T.val[] 
Arrays.unbox(T.ref[]) that does null checks?

Am I missing something or would these restrictions make default values 
for inline classes optional? Could the fact that a default constructor 
exists be used to model whether the inline class name should refer to 
the value or reference projection by default?

2. Support nulls for reference projection (efficiently?)

Maybe you already work on something like that, but so far, I was of the 
impression that reference projections for inline classes wouldn't be 
that much better than normal reference types, so I thought about how 
reference projections could be modeled efficiently.

The general idea I have is to introduce a bitmap to track the nullness 
of all (transitive) reference projections within a container like an 
array or object.

Here a quick example to showcase what I mean:

record NormalClass(Value1.val v1, Value2.ref v2){}
inline record Value1(long l){}
inline record Value2(Value.ref v1, long l2){}

The transitive reference projections in NormalClass are v2 and v2.v1. 
Similarly, for Value2.ref[] nullness must be tracked for the element 
itself and element.v1.

For types with a size + bitmap size <= word size, the bitmap could be 
made a part of the word for the value. Bitmaps for bigger types would be 
merged together in a container. A merged bitmap would track nullness for 
reference projections within a cache line boundary such that every cache 
line has a merged bitmap for the elements on the cache line.

This bitmap approach should be applicable in all cases, for local 
variables, fields and arrays.

Is this bitmap approach for nullness tracking of reference projections 
something you are already doing? If not, why and what other approach are 
you using then?



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