Review Request: Add ClassOption.STRONG and default is unspecified

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Fri Mar 13 21:49:44 UTC 2020

On 3/13/20 9:09 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> On 3/12/2020 5:43 PM, John Rose wrote:
>> After “doing the math” (in the previous note) I’m with David being
>> skeptical of “unspecified”.  If a JVM implementation maps
>> “unspecified” to STRONG that’s a bug, not a feature ... Only WEAK
>> mode is safe.  So the best we could do is say that “if neither option
>> is specified, then the mode defaults to WEAK”.  But at that point,
>> why have WEAK at all? You only need the token for the non-default
>> setting.
> Got it: (i) the default is specified to be WEAK; (ii) the API offers a 
> single enum constant, STRONG, to override the default; (iii) both of 
> the previous clauses apply to hidden classes that are nestmates AND to 
> hidden classes that are not nestmates. Thanks for the enjoyable writeup.
> Zooming out, I recommend that the phrase "weak class" be exorcised 
> from JEP 371. It always bothered me that the JEP introduced a concept 
> which sounds first-class, as if it applies widely (inviting "Excuse 
> me, will Lookup::defineClass be extended to take the WEAK option? 
> Where are weak classes in the JVM Specification?" etc), but then 
> pulled the rug by saying it's limited to hidden classes. I think we 
> should frame a hidden class's loose relationship with its 
> deemed-defining loader as just another superpower that 
> Lookup::defineHiddenClass can arrange, along with (say) a hidden class 
> being able to join a nest without holding an entry ticket (i.e. no 
> NestHost attribute). Similarly, if STRONG is specified, then there's 
> no "strong class" to put on a pedestal -- the hidden class's 
> relationship with its deemed-defining loader is exactly the same as an 
> ordinary class's relationship with its defining loader.

This sounds all good to me.

When a hidden class whose relationship with its deemed-defining loader 
is different than that of an ordinary class, Class::getClassLoader 
returns its deemed-defining loader and so does JVM TI GetClassLoader.   
No issue with that.

 From JVM TI perspective, each "loaded" class has one defining loader 
and N initiating loaders.  N is >= 1 in JDK 14 and with hidden classes, 
N becomes >= 0.

For a hidden class whose has either a loose relationship with its 
deemed-defining loader, this is arranged by 
`Lookup::defineHiddenClass`.   From JVM's perspective, a hidden class is 
a "normal" class and I think same applies to JVM TI.  We want hidden 
classes to be debuggable.    JVM TI and JDI etc assume classes are 
always "loaded".

Now, a class can be:
1. a loaded (ordinary) class
2. a hidden class whose has a loose relationship with its 
deemed-defining loader
3. a hidden class whose has a strong relationship with its 
deemed-defining loader - exactly the same as an ordinary class's 
relationship with its defining loader

 From tool's perspective, it wants to find all loaded classes or loaded 
classes initiated & defined by a given loader.   Tools can determine if 
a class is a hidden class or ordinary class using Class::isHiddenClass 
or by its name.   While hidden classes are not "loaded", having JVM TI 
to define new API for this new "API-created-class" and making the tools 
to handle hidden classes using new JVM TI events and new JVM TI APIs 
seem too high cost with little benefit.   Do you see this wrong?


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