[lworld] RFR: 8244231: [lworld] Add support for ref-default and val-default inline classes.

Srikanth Adayapalam sadayapalam at openjdk.java.net
Thu Jul 22 11:13:09 UTC 2021

On Thu, 22 Jul 2021 10:25:27 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore <mcimadamore at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> when we have a type that is an L_TypeOf_Q it could be
>>> either the (a) reference projection of value default primitive class or (b) the reference type of a reference default primitive class.
>> This seems at odds with what the Javadoc for that flavor says:
>> /**
>>              * Reference projection type of a primitive-favoring aka primitive-default
>>              * plain vanilla primitive class type,
>>              */
>>             L_TypeOf_Q,
>> E.g. javadoc suggests that Q means primitive-default already, so there should be no need to check the tsym?
> More generally, I think I'm slightly uncomfortable by the use of the letters `Q` and `L` in the enum constants `X_TypeOf_Y`. Now, when `L` and `Q` are in the `X` position, the semantics is simple: `L` means `.ref`, `Q` means `.val`.
> But when `L` and `Q` appear in the `Y` position, then it becomes messy - because the choice is no longer binary:
> * the class is a primitive class or not (1 bit)
> * if primitive, the class is reference-favoring or not (another bit)
> Right now, it seems that you use `Q` to denote whether the class is primitive class or not, which is useful, I assume, to detect distinction between a legacy reference type (`L_TypeOf_L`) and a reference projection of a primitive class (`L_TypeOf_Q`). This distinction is, I believe an important one, as the former has identity, the latter doesn't, so type checking would probably differ.
> What I'm less sure is whether you want/need different type checking rules for when `L_TypeOf_Q && reference-favoring` vs. `L_TypeOf_Q && !reference-favoring`. What you have is still an identity-less reference type - so why should it be important whether you get a redundant projection or not (which might even be disabled at some point during type checking) ?
> So, back to your question, I guess I don't see why you have defined the current behavior as being "natural". To me, getting an X projection on a X-favoring primitive class is an idempotent operation, which you can repeat even 20 times, and the type-system shouldn't care. Are there places in the code where you need this sharper distinction?

> > when we have a type that is an L_TypeOf_Q it could be
> > either the (a) reference projection of value default primitive class or (b) the reference type of a reference default primitive class.
> This seems at odds with what the Javadoc for that flavor says:
> ```
> /**
>              * Reference projection type of a primitive-favoring aka primitive-default
>              * plain vanilla primitive class type,
>              */
>             L_TypeOf_Q,
> ```
> E.g. javadoc suggests that Q means primitive-default already, so there should be no need to check the tsym?

Good catch! This is certainly a problem in the javadoc of L_TypeOf_Q and needs to be corrected. It was always the intent that L_TypeOf_Q is simply a primitive reference type.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/valhalla/pull/482

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