super constructor of abstract value classes

Daniel Schmid daniel at
Tue Aug 22 08:57:30 UTC 2023


When reading the recent article that explains how Q-descriptors and 
v-bytecodes are not needed 
(, I came across

 > To avoid such ambiguities, we forbid calling the superclass <init> 

This seems like a pretty strong restriction though I understand why it's 
in place.
Nevertheless, it raises a question when I am reading this:
If it is possible to create abstract value classes (i.e. abstract 
classes where all subclasses are value classes), is this restriction 
really necessary for that case?
Since the superclass would "know" its subclasses are value classes, 
can't the object be copied, modified in the super constructor (the one 
of the abstract value class) before all fields are copied back when 
continuing with the constructor of the concrete value class?
Or are there just no "abstract value classes" or do you want to keep the 
same restrictions on all kind of abstract classes for consistency?


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