[lworld] RFR: Merge jdk

David Simms dsimms at openjdk.org
Wed May 31 13:47:15 UTC 2023

* jdk-21+21
* jdk-21+22
* jdk-21+23
* jdk-21+24


Commit messages:
 - Merge tag 'jdk-21+24' into lworld_merge_jdk_incr_from_21_20
 - 8179502: Enhance OCSP, CRL and Certificate Fetch Timeouts
 - 8306698: Add overloads to MethodTypeDesc::of
 - 8301154: SunPKCS11 KeyStore deleteEntry results in dangling PrivateKey entries
 - 8308716: ProblemList java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor/BasicCancelTest.java with genzgc on windows-x64
 - 8303942: os::write should write completely
 - 8306706: Support out-of-line code generation for MachNodes
 - 8308016: Use snippets in java.io package
 - 8308116: jdk.test.lib.compiler.InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile does not close files
 - 8307523: [vectorapi] Optimize MaskFromLongBenchmark.java
 - ... and 411 more: https://git.openjdk.org/valhalla/compare/a8576b4b...962b36a0

The webrevs contain the adjustments done while merging with regards to each parent branch:
 - lworld: https://webrevs.openjdk.org/?repo=valhalla&pr=855&range=00.0
 - jdk: https://webrevs.openjdk.org/?repo=valhalla&pr=855&range=00.1

Changes: https://git.openjdk.org/valhalla/pull/855/files
  Stats: 190826 lines in 3289 files changed: 137112 ins; 27649 del; 26065 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.org/valhalla/pull/855.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.org/valhalla.git pull/855/head:pull/855

PR: https://git.openjdk.org/valhalla/pull/855

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