Recursively comparing

John Rose john.r.rose at
Wed Feb 28 06:28:22 UTC 2024

This is an interesting discussion.  I’m not surprised
that people are surprised by ==/acmp semantics.
We surprised ourselves, at first.

On 27 Feb 2024, at 17:04, John Bossons wrote:

> Hi Remy,
> Even for a value object field in which the stored VO value is a reference?

Yes, that is Remy’s point.  It doesn’t matter how the virtual
machine concretely stores the value.  The semantics are derived
from virtual data, not physical data.

The VM makes optimization decisions below the “virtual metal”.
Users should expect that these decisions have no effect on program
semantics (and so program outputs), other than perhaps speed
or footprint.  How would users like it if their methods with
floating point computations got slightly different results,
after the JIT kicked in?  Answer: It would be a bug, and they

It’s the same with the VM’s choice of how to implement the
virtual semantics of values, using a variety of techniques,
including “buffering” as a separate node in the heap.
“Buffering” is like what we have called “boxing” in the past.
But it’s different: The identity of a “box” is sadly exposed
in VM semantics, while a “buffer”’s identity is suppressed.

If a value is not flattened in its container, it may instead
be buffered on the heap, with a pointer left behind in the
container.  (It might also be lifted to registers after
inlining and escape analysis; this is a different kind of
flattening we call “scalarization”.)  But the meaning of
==/acmp is the same regardless of details of physical
representation of its operands.

> As I understand the spec, it's up to the JVM to choose how to handle a
> value object (even a null-restricted VO), depending on its size. If a VO
> field value is a VO, it's optional as to whether the JVM stores that field
> value as a reference or as a value. What the JVM does will depend on the VO
> size, right?

Sort of right, but also an oversimplification.  There are many
factors besides size.  Another factor can be whether the container
is final or not, and yet another is whether it is volatile or not.
As a rule of thumb, users should always expect the VM to surprise them,
if they decide to open the hood and peek below the virtual metal.

> If a VO field value is stored as a reference, calling == on
> that reference will behave the same way as calling == on an identity object
> reference.

I am at a loss to understand the grounds of your confident assertion
here.  In any case, it is false.  Consider the consequences of such
a design:

A. The VM will unpredictably choose to buffer, flatten, or scalarize

B. These decisions are partially dependent on heap layout policy, which
is stable over time (at this current date) but also dependent on JIT
activity, which varies over time.

C. Therefore, from run to run, or even within one run, a value which
compares equal to itself at one point will compare unequal to
itself later on, or vice versa.  We think users would not welcome
this kind of uncertainty in Java code.


Full disclosure:  About 10 years ago, I thought we could get away
with it.  We’d have to tell users not to fully trust the results
of ==/acmp.  Instead they must learn to always follow up == with
a call to Object::equals.  I thought this might be tolerable
because users already do this as a matter of habit.

The basic rule would have been, if two values compare ==,
you know they must be the same value, but if they don’t,
they still might be the same value.  You must call equals
if you need the accurate result.  So doing the extra call
restores predictability, of the expression as a whole.

I called this the Heisenbox Model, because you would always
have a kind of “uncertainty principle” about whether a given
value would be equal to itself, or whether it would suddenly
turn into two separately buffered copies, whose pointers would
be suddenly different.

This can happen, for example, if JIT code deoptimizes to the
interpreter, and the two copies of the same value are buffered
separately, perhaps because they are in two stack frames
related by inlining.  Reminder: You will be surprised if
you peek inside the VM.  It is the VM’s responsibility to
keep an evenhanded pretense of consistent behavior, whatever
its internal gymnastics.

So, changing execution paths to looking at values from
a new angle might cause a deopt, and change the result
of your comparison.  Observation collapses the
configuration to a random outcome… voilà Heisenboxes.
(Apologies to the real physicists.)

FTR, my first public writing on value classes in 2012
despaired of assigning any kind of predictable value
to ==/acmp, which anticipated Heisenboxes as well:
I am glad most of it has proven wrong, including
the bit about ==.  My colleagues finally beat it
out of me. The last gasp was in 2016:

One reason I thought we could get away with Heisenboxes is
there is a similar behavior, historically, in Common Lisp.
The EQ predicate distinguishes certain numeric values that
are numerically indistinguishable, if they happen to be
buffered separately.  The EQV predicate fixes that, at a
higher cost.  (And EQ and EQV are the same on Lisp’s version
of identity objects, which is basically all objects except
numbers.)  So, relative to Lisp, our decision is that values
are always compared by value, like EQV, and never by buffer
identity like EQ.  Dropping EQ from the model takes out a
bunch of shifty uncertain behavior; now you can trust ==/acmp
to do the same thing all the time for the same inputs.


> If the VO is stored as a value (a set of values which could
> include another VO. field), then the == will be recursive. Am I incorrect?

Regardless of how the VM stores the VO, the == will be recursive.

Some find the following corollary to this principle surprising:

Neither the type nor the implementation of the variable containing
the value affects the equality comparison.  Therefore, if you have
two Object pointers compared with ==/acmp, and they are both values
(of the same class), there will be a recursive descent.  It doesn’t
matter that you thought you have mere Object pointers.  The VM
does the same work for value comparison regardless of context.

This also means that if a value contains an Object field, then
the recursive ==/acmp on a pair of such values will, in fact,
test the corresponding Object references (as if by ==/acmp)
and recurse if and only if the two objects are both values
of the same class.

Finally, this also means that if one has a value with two
Object fields, an ==/acmp operation might possibly perform
an unbounded recursive descent of a tree.  At this point,
a class designer might have to think hard about what is
the desired behavior.  One way to break the recursive
descent is to use an intermediate heap node that is an
identity object, such as an array.  That is in fact how
recursive structures are often written.  But for a pure
immutable fixed-arity tree class, refactoring to a value
will involve consideration of the cost of ==/acmp.  The
design of such classes (such as HAMTs) is rarely attempted,
and by experts when done at all.  I am not worried about
such experts being overwhelmed by the odd scaling of
recursive descent in their exquisitely tuned classes.

So we have been thinking about all this diligently and
carefully for a decade, and JEP 401 is the result.

Some might think it mandates too much recursion for ==/acmp.
Users should prepare, however, to be surprised by what the VM
will do to make such things fast.  Remember the old
conventional wisdom about bytecode-based VMs and pervasive
virtual calls:  Java was supposed to be slow because of
such things… until it wasn’t slow anymore.  One promising
idea (IMO) for reducing ==/acmp costs is folding them with
equivalent tests in Object::equals:

So VM internals are surprising.  That’s why (a) we are
required, and (b) we are able, to design high-level VM
semantics, with no uncertainties. Even if they might
seem “too expensive” at first blush.

I hope these perspectives will be useful.  They have
been hard-won.

— John

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