Most recent JEP 401 description

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Wed May 22 13:42:59 UTC 2024

There are no restrictions in the specification.  However, the object 
layout algorithm is already quite complicated, so it is possible there 
will be implementation limitations, at least at first.

On 5/19/2024 12:18 AM, John Bossons wrote:
> Thanks for the confirmation. Good news!
> As to 'no restrictions' re size (horizontal - number of fields), fine. 
> But what about depth (vertical - fields that are value objects that in 
> turn contain fields that are value objects etc. all the way down)? No 
> constraint on depth of nesting?
> On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 8:21 PM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> 
> wrote:
>     Amazingly, yes, value-capable abstract classes can have fields. 
>     We thought for many years this would never be possible; the Great
>     Initialization Alignment (eliminating `vnew` and `withfield` in
>     favor of the `new` and `putfield` approach) made this possible.
>     The language imposes no restrictions on the number of fields of
>     value types.  The VM reserves the right to flatten, or not, based
>     on its whims.  One likely whim is that "large" values are usually
>     not worth flattening.  But this is invisible to the user; the
>     semantics are the same whether or not the object is flattened.
>     On 5/18/2024 1:24 PM, John Bossons wrote:
>>     Thanks for making this so very clear.
>>     Two questions/issues:
>>     (1) It would be helpful to include more on the properties of
>>     abstract value classes (AVCs) -- perhaps a labelled subsection? A
>>     specific question not dealt with explicitly in the current
>>     version: Can an AVC have an instance field, now that a value
>>     class utilizes the Flexible Constructor Bodies JEP? (The
>>     alternative is  repetition of that field definition and accessor
>>     in every subtype, which is potentially error-prone).
>>     (2) It would also be helpful to include some commentary on
>>     limitations.
>>     Specifically, although it is clear that the purpose is more
>>     efficiently defined SMALL value objects, (a) How big is 'small'?
>>     And (b) will the compiler accept value types of any size, no
>>     matter how deep?
>>     John
>>     Phone:  (416) 450-3584 (cell)
> -- 
> Phone:  (416) 450-3584 (cell)
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