no good default responsibility

Jack Ammo jackammo77 at
Sat Aug 1 03:25:04 UTC 2020

i have a question about the issue. is it the jvm's responsibility to deal
with initializing inline objects to a "valid" state or is it the compiler's
responsibility to enforce the business logic of what is and isnt a valid
state for the inline object?

in my view, the "good default" problem is really the language's problem and
by extension, the language's compilers' problem. the jvm doesn't define
what the purpose or usage is for a Date object or a String object or an
int. it doesn't say if an empty String is valid for a name field or if -1
is valid for count field. Those are business logic constraints, no?

Maybe it's best for the jvm to just keep the all zero default, and if the
compiler wishes, it can immediately reassign the appropriate default as
needed. As long the inline object can be re-assigned cheaply, maybe that's
as far as the jvm needs to go?

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