Conditional members
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Tue Mar 29 19:52:58 UTC 2016
Yet another in a series of disconnected, bottom-up (starting at the VM)
memos laying the groundwork for the enhanced generics model.
Basic Problem
It may be desirable, for purposes of expressiveness or migration
compatibility, to declare class members that are only members of a
specific subset of parameterizations of a generic class. Examples include:
- Reference-specific API assumptions. In our analysis of the
Collection classes, we identified various methods that fail to make the
jump to any-generics for various reasons. These include methods like
Collection.toArray(), whose signature makes no sense for primitive
parameterizations, or Map.get(), which uses `null` (not in the domain of
primitives) to indicate "not present." We can't take these methods away
from reference instantiations, but we don't want to propagate them into
primitive instantiations.
- Better implementations enabled by known type parameters. Generic
classes will provide generic implementations, but sometimes better
implementations are possible when concrete types are known. In this
case, an implementation would provide a generic implementation and zero
or more implementations that are restricted to more specific
- Functionality available only on specific implementations. For
example, List<int> could have a sum() method even though sum() does not
make sense on all instantiations. (This is the declaration-site version
of what C# enables at the use site with extension methods -- allowing
methods to be injected into types, rather than classes.)
We've not yet spent a lot of time identifying the proper way to surface
this in the language. For methods, one possibility is to use receiver
parameters (added in Java SE 8) to qualify the receiver type:
int sum(List<int> this) { ... }
This gets the point across clearly enough (and is analogous to how C#
does extension methods), but has several drawbacks: doesn't scale to
fields, nor does it scale well to a conditional-membership model that is
anything other than "I am a member of parameterization X". (Where this
might fall down, for example, would be when we want members declared as
"I am *not* a member of parameterization X".)
Note that in the second motivating example, there will be two members
signatures with the same name and signature; we want one to take
precedence over the other.
We call these "conditional" or "restricted" members.
Classfile Strawman
Here's a strawman of how we might represent this at the VM level.
We define a new attribute, `Where`, which can be applied to instance
fields, instance methods, and constructors:
| Where {
u2 name_index;
u4 length;
u2 restrictionDomain;|// refers to a ParamType constant
The restriction domain indicates the parameterization to which this
member is restricted; in the absence of Where attribute, it is assumed
to be ThisClass<any, any, ...>.
When loading a parameterization of a generic class, we perform an
applicability check for each member as we encounter it; in the model
outlined here, this is a straight subtyping check of the current
parameterization against the restriction domain.
It is possible there could be duplicate applicable methods; this arises
when we have a specialization-specific "override", as in:
class Foo<any T> {
// total method m(T)
void m(T t) { }
// Specialization of m(T) for T=int
void m(Foo<int> this, int i) { ... }
When we find a duplicate applicable member, we perform a "more specific"
check comparing the restriction domains; in this case, the second method
has a restriction domain of Foo<int>, which is more specific than the
(implicit) Foo<any> restriction domain of the generic method, so we
prefer the second member.
This procedure is strictly linear; as each member is read from the
classfile, we can make a quick determination as to whether to keep or
discard it; if we keep it, we might replace it later with a more
specific one as we find it. Modulo cases where there are multiple
applicable overloads that are equally specific, it is also
deterministic; whether we find the generic version of m() or its
specialization first, we'll end up with the same set of members.
If there are duplicate applicable members in a classfile where neither's
restriction domain is more specific than the other's, then the VM is
permitted to make an arbitrary choice (as they are both applicable and
equally specific.) The static compiler can work to filter out such
situations, if desired, such as imposing a "meet rule"; if we had:
void foo(Foo<int,any> this)
void foo(Foo<any,int> this)
a meet rule would require the additional overload
void foo(Foo<int,int> this)
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