Nestmates spec update

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Mon Aug 21 19:13:57 UTC 2017

Somewhere we should state that "nests form a partition over classes".  
(That is, each class belongs to exactly one nest.)

"same package" -> "same package, module, class loader, and protection 

On 8/14/2017 6:38 PM, Dan Smith wrote:
> At the August 3 meeting, we discussed revising the treatment of private method invocations, asking compilers to use 'invokevirtual' and 'invokeinterface' rather than 'invokespecial'. This allows us to leave 'invokespecial' untouched, rather than adding to its already-significant complexity.
> See here for a proposed specification:
> The 'invokevirtual' calls were already supported, but in order to invoke private interface methods, we needed to enhance 'invokeinterface'. I thought the best way to accomplish this is to unify the selection process for 'invokevirtual' and 'invokeinterface' into a single algorithm. This also addresses some outstanding bugs and enhancement requests, as noted.
> —Dan

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