Initial feedback on Minimal Value Types 0.2 for discussion

forax at forax at
Tue Mar 28 20:47:21 UTC 2017

> De: "Maurizio Cimadamore" <maurizio.cimadamore at>
> À: "Remi Forax" <forax at>, "Karen Kinnear" <karen.kinnear at>
> Cc: valhalla-spec-experts at
> Envoyé: Mardi 28 Mars 2017 22:43:36
> Objet: Re: Initial feedback on Minimal Value Types 0.2 for discussion

> What I really meant with that comment is that, I think we should expect that
> once boxed values are stored in locals, their identity stays the same.

> In other words:

> o == o

> should always be true, regardless of values, refs, boxing.
Ok, in that case, what about 

(Object)v == (Object)v 

> Maurizio

> On 28/03/17 21:37, Remi Forax wrote:

>> Question, why a value type can not loss identity inside a method ?
>> Is it true for local variable access ? for field access ? for static access ?

>> V value = ...
>> Object o = v;
>> Object o2 = v;
>> o == o2 ??

>> field.o = v;
>> o == field.o ?? // what about the concurrent access

>> Class.o = v;
>> o == Class.o ??

>> I also wonder if it will not have an impact regarding OSR when part of the code
>> is in the interpreter and part of the code is JITed.

>> Rémi

>>> De: "Karen Kinnear" <karen.kinnear at>
>>> À: "Bjorn B Vardal" <bjornvar at>
>>> Cc: valhalla-spec-experts at
>>> Envoyé: Mardi 28 Mars 2017 20:45:06
>>> Objet: Re: Initial feedback on Minimal Value Types 0.2 for discussion

>>> Summary notes from meeting 3/15/17:
>>> attendees: Brian, Doug Lea, Stas, Frederic, Bjorn, Tobias, Mr Simms, Vladimir I,
>>> Maurizio, Karen, John

>>> 1. Identity Major decision:
>>> Doug: It is ok if a value type box does NOT retain identity.
>>> Do not be overly concerned with sync, ===, hashcode. Let’s see if the benefits
>>> outweigh the problems.
>>> We need to set clear expectations for customers.

>>> ed. note: Maurizio clarified later that it is critical that a value type not
>>> lose identity within
>>> a given method, but it is ok to lose identity across methods.

>>> It is ok if the vm throws an exception - e.g. IllegalMonitorStateException when
>>> attempting to lock a Value Type,
>>> ok if we do that based on a command-line flag to not slow down normal execution.

>>> 2. Evolution approach
>>> can evolve experimental annex to JVMS - optional to implement, with minor change
>>> to classfile, byte codes, etc.
>>> no story for experimental JLS
>>> Doug suggested: could have an experimental javac documentation

>>> 3. vdefault/vwithfield
>>> - constructor as static factory method
>>> - vdefault - create 0-filled default value type
>>> - only valid within constructor
>>> - note a value type array - initial array allows default value to escape
>>> - vwithfield - copy-on-write a new value type with one modified field
>>> - allows final fields to be final (value type is immutable)
>>> - JIT can optimized via escape analysis
>>> - only within value class (which means both the value capable class and the DVT)

>>> 4. Requested Extensions:
>>> - exploring adding references - both IBM and Oracle believe customers will need
>>> this for use cases
>>> - support for VCC implementing interfaces - do users need this?
>>> - propose: go to Early Access without this and see if it is required

>>> - IBM and Oracle investigating
>>> - note: VM would do no magic boxing, and for MVT, would require boxing to invoke
>>> default methods
>>> 5. Packed Objects:
>>> AI: IBM - Doug requested a summary of differences between PackedObjects and MVT
>>> John note: Packed Objects have identity, others see changes through the
>>> reference

>>> 6. JVMS changes:
>>> AI: Oracle - need to propose a draft for the JVMS extensions

>>> 7. early access timing:
>>> Note: need to ensure that IBM and Oracle are in sync on Early Access timing

>>> Meeting March 29th - need to discuss any other Shady Values version 0.2 changes
>>> and
>>> timing.

>>> *** will need a Shady Values update ***

>>> thanks,
>>> Karen

>>>> On Mar 15, 2017, at 1:20 AM, Karen Kinnear < karen.kinnear at > wrote:

>>>> Summary notes from meeting 2/15/17 - embedded below, starting with #8

>>>> Meeting 3/16/17:
>>>> — there are a few more already identified topics to discuss
>>>> — welcome additional questions/suggestions
>>>> — a couple of topics to revisit (or perhaps put on an open issues list until we
>>>> have more information or feedback)

>>>> thanks,
>>>> Karen

>>>>> On Feb 10, 2017, at 9:47 AM, Karen Kinnear < karen.kinnear at > wrote:

>>>>> John - please correct

>>>>> Bjorn,

>>>>> Good question. This was news to us as well, so John will have the final word.

>>>>> My assumption is that he means that:
>>>>> If you create an array of Value-Capable-Classes that you would not automagically
>>>>> also create an equivalent
>>>>> array of the Derived Value Types.
>>>>> That the MethodHandle APIs could explicitly, through new byte codes create
>>>>> arrays of the DVTs by passing a
>>>>> Derived Value Type as the “array ref” to anewarray or multianewarray.
>>>>> I presume that any explicit byte code generation by power users to go with this
>>>>> code could use the same mechanism.

>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Karen

>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 10:56 PM, Bjorn B Vardal < bjornvar at > wrote:

>>>>>> Karen / John: Can you clarify this? Do you mean that they will only be flattened
>>>>>> when created using the reflection / MethodHandle API?
>>>>>> > John: MVT 1.0 will only flatten arrays reflectively
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Bjørn Vårdal
>>>>>> J9 Java Virtual Machine Developer
>>>>>> IBM Runtimes

>>>>>>> ----- Original message -----
>>>>>>> From: Karen Kinnear < karen.kinnear at >
>>>>>>> Sent by: "valhalla-spec-experts" <
>>>>>>> valhalla-spec-experts-bounces at >
>>>>>>> To: John Rose < john.r.rose at >
>>>>>>> Cc: valhalla-spec-experts at
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Initial feedback on Minimal Value Types 0.2 for discussion
>>>>>>> Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2017 6:31 PM

>>>>>>> Notes from discussion on Feb 01,2017. Feedback welcome.
>>>>>>> John - one question extracted at the top from the embedded notes.

>>>>>>>> 11. "interfaces (especially with default methods)"
>>>>>>>> - please change p.6 to clarify that there are no value type interfaces period.

>>>>>>> Ed note: There is a distinction here between
>>>>>>> 11a) defining an interface as a VCC with a derived DVT and
>>>>>>> 11b) whether the POJO which defines the VCC can implement interfaces. This
>>>>>>> discussion was about whether
>>>>>>> a POJO which defines the VCC can implement interfaces.
>>>>>>> John: MVT 1.0 : No value capable interfaces for JVMT 1.0.
>>>>>>> Ed note: was this the answer to 11a or 11b above please?

>>>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 5:43 PM, Karen Kinnear < karen.kinnear at > wrote:
>>>>>>>> (This is a resend of an email I sent to valhalla-dev at on January
>>>>>>>> 23)
>>>>>>>> Review of Minimal Value Types August 2016 Shady Edition (v 0.2)
>>>>>>>> Questions/Comments:
>>>>>>>> abbreviations used: VCC: value-capable class, DVT: derived value type
>>>>>>>> 1. Goals
>>>>>>>> -- might be worth adding to the bullets:
>>>>>>>> Allow use of existing toolchain where possible including IDEs and debuggers

>>>>>>> John: this is just a review comment, no discussion required.
>>>>>>>> 2. Features:
>>>>>>>> "Three" bytecode instructions ->"A small set of”

>>>>>>> John: just a text edit to encompass extensions in #12 below, not yet discussed
>>>>>>> as a group.
>>>>>>>> 3. Typically, value-capable classes will not be exported.
>>>>>>>> Is the reason for this to limit exposure since the expectation is that the
>>>>>>>> initial APIs and mechanisms will change?

>>>>>>> John: “yes”. This does not have to be enforced in the implementation.
>>>>>>> ed. note: perhaps we could remove this from the MVT specification.
>>>>>>>> 4. Value-capable classes: supporting methods
>>>>>>>> p.3 "This design endows both boxes and pure values with a common set of methods;
>>>>>>>> it "lifts" box methods
>>>>>>>> onto the derived values."
>>>>>>>> p.5 "The synthetic class has the given fields (unchanged) and has no methods"
>>>>>>>> p.5 "Meanwhile, all methods (and other class features) stay on the value-capable
>>>>>>>> class. The value type
>>>>>>>> proper is just a "dumb struct" containing the extracted fields"
>>>>>>>> - given that in the MVT model we are starting with a POJO box, and instance
>>>>>>>> methods that clearly
>>>>>>>> take an Object as a receiver, one proposal for the initial MVT approach would be
>>>>>>>> to have
>>>>>>>> all methods only supported by the box, and require boxing to invoke any methods
>>>>>>>> - so I think the first quote would need either removal or modification

>>>>>>> John: agreed.
>>>>>>> Karen: See #9 below: Evolved proposal would keep the POJO, which we call the
>>>>>>> Value Capable Class (VCC) unchanged,
>>>>>>> and derive a Derived Value Type (DVT) which would only contain a copy of the
>>>>>>> immutable instance fields, i.e. be
>>>>>>> a “dumb struct”.
>>>>>>> Bjorn: In this model, the source class would be the same as the box class, if we
>>>>>>> leave the instance fields in it. And we
>>>>>>> would box to invoke methods for the MVT 1.0 timeframe.
>>>>>>> John: Agreed.
>>>>>>> John: Longer-term - will want to invoke methods on values as soon as we can. We
>>>>>>> will need source support for that.
>>>>>>> John: Minimal Value Type (MVT) programming models:
>>>>>>> 1) source — only works for boxes
>>>>>>> 2) Method Handle reflection - for early adopters
>>>>>>> 3) bytecodes
>>>>>>> The MethodHandle/ValueFactory approach is clearly described.
>>>>>>> The language and byte code we will use longterm are still uncertain.
>>>>>>> Bjorn: What would be enabled by having all members in the value vs. just the
>>>>>>> [instance] fields in the value?
>>>>>>> Karen: Challenge is instance methods, where the type of the receiver is expected
>>>>>>> to be a VCC, not a DVT. This same
>>>>>>> expectation applies to any method called from the instance method, or any field
>>>>>>> in which the receiver is stored.
>>>>>>> John: we are using existing javac support, therefore we need to define value
>>>>>>> types indirectly, box first. This is not the longterm plan.
>>>>>>> MethodHandles will provide a direct way of speaking of the values. The
>>>>>>> MethodHandle runtime will spin byte codes.
>>>>>>> Maurizio: it is easy to just map the fields
>>>>>>> Karen: Methods are coded on the box. Static fields we left on the box. So we
>>>>>>> just lift the instance fields.
>>>>>>> John: We box the value to run methods. We want to preserve “vagueness”.
>>>>>>> Legacy code could misuse identity e.g. equals, hashcode, sync
>>>>>>> This only works for early adopters who are aware of value-capable-class
>>>>>>> identitylessness and implications
>>>>>>> Maurizio: If you pass the VCC to another method you are passing the box and no
>>>>>>> mechanical transformation is needed.
>>>>>>> Karen: You could have a problem if you were to pass the DVT as an argument when
>>>>>>> an object is expected
>>>>>>> John: clarify distinction between QType and LType
>>>>>>> QType: no identity, not nullable, not shared visible state, no sync, no
>>>>>>> reference equality
>>>>>>> LType: identity, nullable, shared visible state for sync and reference equality
>>>>>>> semantic mismatch: nulls, if_acmp_eq/ne
>>>>>>> MVT provides a short-term hack - which is ok for early adopters
>>>>>>> in future expect explicit boxes for QTypes which are LTypes which actually are
>>>>>>> identityful unlike the temporary VCCs
>>>>>>> Bjorn: differences between QTypes and LTypes like int and Integer, where only
>>>>>>> Integer provides methods?
>>>>>>> John: short-term there will be no methods on a DVT.
>>>>>>> longer-term value types will have methods
>>>>>>> verifier will not accept LType for a QType byte code
>>>>>>> Bjorn: if QType is a subset of an LType is it ok to convert?
>>>>>>> John: want ability farther future to have different behaviors and different
>>>>>>> stack representation.
>>>>>>> In progress, exploring possibly interpreter implementations, things like
>>>>>>> allowing the vm to buffer QTypes off the java heap
>>>>>>> presumes a universal type must declare whether it has identity or not
>>>>>>> Bjorn: with boxing and unboxing, if you say you have “no identity” do you still
>>>>>>> have something?
>>>>>>> John: must box to call a method, no one can rely on the identity so you can
>>>>>>> elide it.
>>>>>>> Ed note: this is only possibly temporarily because the value-capable-class is
>>>>>>> defined as not being able to rely on identity.
>>>>>>> This will not carry over to a more general value type approach if we wish to
>>>>>>> have value types box to identityful LTypes which
>>>>>>> can be used by existing code that is expecting a subtype of Object or an
>>>>>>> Interface as defined today.
>>>>>>> John: after MVT 1.0, exploring a union type, “UType” which is a common type that
>>>>>>> could contain either a QType or its corresponding
>>>>>>> LType

>>>>>>>> 5. Value bytecodes
>>>>>>>> p.11 "Method handles and invokedynamic will always allow bytecode to invoke
>>>>>>>> methods on Q-types".
>>>>>>>> - is this still accurate in the context above? I know the comment says that
>>>>>>>> internally
>>>>>>>> the MH might box the Qtype, but do we still want to support MH and indy to
>>>>>>>> appear to invoke methods on Q-types?

>>>>>>> Ed note: I don’t if we answered this question.
>>>>>>>> 6. Restrictions on the POJO:
>>>>>>>> A. It would help to have a bulleted list of restrictions
>>>>>>>> B. Clarify error/exception to throw - perhaps ClassFormatError for all of these?
>>>>>>>> C. Request to not support VCC on interfaces at all for MVT 1.0
>>>>>>>> I know the restrictions are intermixed in the text today. This is what I
>>>>>>>> extracted:
>>>>>>>> (p.3-4, 6)
>>>>>>>> VCC (and probably going forward)
>>>>>>>> 1. VCC superclass must be Object (and should be omitted)
>>>>>>>> 2. the class must be final
>>>>>>>> 3. all fields must be final
>>>>>>>> - please clarify - all instance fields must be final

>>>>>>> John: yes
>>>>>>>> 4. all constructors private

>>>>>>> Maurizio: why?
>>>>>>> Note that there is NO constructor for the DVT. It can be created via a vunbox or
>>>>>>> vdefault + vwithfield
>>>>>>> John: ok to change the spec so the VCC constructor is not limited to being
>>>>>>> private.
>>>>>>>> 5. must replace equals, hashcode, toString (with current Object syntax)
>>>>>>>> 6. may not use any methods provided on Object
>>>>>>>> specifically: may not use clone, finalize, wait, notify, notifyAll (directly)
>>>>>>>> 7. may use getClass
>>>>>>>> MVT 1.0 additional limitations
>>>>>>>> 9. may contain primitive instance fields, but no reference instance fields
>>>>>>>> - please update document to clarify this restriction is for instance fields only

>>>>>>> Karen: both IBM and Oracle JVM engineers are interested in an optional extension
>>>>>>> to support
>>>>>>> references instance fields.
>>>>>>> Maurizio: If only primitives allowed, then no support for generics is needed.
>>>>>>> Clarification for Karen: statics can have generics with erasure today, but can
>>>>>>> not mention type variables. (thanks :-)
>>>>>>> Bjorn: With today’s erased generics, this is not a problem
>>>>>>> John: Ok to explore having references in instance fields, generics are ok. No
>>>>>>> type variables in instance fields
>>>>>>> and no “any” generics.

>>>> 2/15/17: rediscussed:
>>>> Maurizio - higher perceived benefit to users to have reference fields in VCC/DVT
>>>> - e.g. Strings
>>>> John concern: hard to do embedded references in values
>>>> Mr Simms: almost have it now
>>>> — agreed: let’s give it a short

>>>>>>>> 10. may not contain generic instance fields
>>>>>>>> - please update document to clarify this restriction is for instance fields only
>>>>>>>> - it is my understanding that you can’t have generic static fields at all
>>>>>>>> 11. "interfaces (especially with default methods)"
>>>>>>>> - please change p.6 to clarify that there are no value type interfaces period.

>>>>>>> Ed note: There is a distinction here between
>>>>>>> 11a) defining an interface as a VCC with a derived DVT and
>>>>>>> 11b) whether the POJO which defines the VCC can implement interfaces. This
>>>>>>> discussion was about whether
>>>>>>> a POJO which defines the VCC can implement interfaces.
>>>>>>> Karen: concern about setting expectations. Current interfaces assume identity.
>>>>>>> Maurizio: could always box to call interface methods.
>>>>>>> John: Question: do early adopters need interfaces?
>>>>>>> Vladimir Ivanov: Yes
>>>>>>> note: Vector API has no benefits using MVT 1.0.
>>>>>>> Ed note: later email clarification from Vlad:
>>>>>>> Interface-based Vector API version [1] does not benefit from MVT 1.0. All
>>>>>>> operations are expressed as interface
>>>>>>> calls and require vector boxes.
>>>>>>> That is out of scope for MVT 1.0.
>>>>>>> Vectors exploring an alternative API, exposing operations as MethodHandles. This
>>>>>>> is less convenient to use, but
>>>>>>> allows experimenting to find performance benefits.
>>>>>>> John: MVT: box to get to methods. Longterm get to call I.defaultmethod without
>>>>>>> boxing
>>>>>>> Ed. note: Interface default method will need restrictions.
>>>>>>> John: MVT 1.0 : No value capable interfaces for JVMT 1.0.
>>>>>>> Ed note: was this the answer to 11a or 11b above please?

>>>> I believe John agreed that we can not use a VCC/DVT to define an interface

>>>> Open Question:
>>>> Do we need VCC/DVT to support interfaces and require boxing to invoke default
>>>> methods?
>>>> Perhaps try early access without support for interfaces and get feedback?

>>>> Concerns: existing interfaces with default methods - assume identity
>>>> Longer-term interfaces that can be implemented by valhalla value types will need
>>>> to be
>>>> special interfaces which support UTypes - union of LType and QType - so that
>>>> they
>>>> can be implemented by references or by value types.
>>>> UType - must not assume identity, must retain identity if it has it
>>>> QType - not assume identity
>>>> LType - must preserve identity
>>>> John/Brian - outline of road ahead - post MVT 1.0 - looking at a potential
>>>> carrier or wrapper for
>>>> an “any” type
>>>> Dan: If a local is a UType - will enforce single type through program?
>>>> John: simple answer - not fixed type slots
>>>> Dan: verification issues
>>>> John: like a cast - must be explicit in byte codes and it might fail
>>>> LType-> UType always valid, UType-> LType might fail

>>>>>>> John: longer-term:
>>>>>>> L-Type: always identity
>>>>>>> Q- Type: never identity
>>>>>>> U-Type: do not assume identity, must preserve identity

>>>>>>>> 12. 0.2 version states: may not contain a value class as an instance field
>>>>>>>> - see below for further discussion

>>>>>>>> 7. potential extensions:
>>>>>>>> 12. 0.2 version states: value class may not contain a value class as an instance
>>>>>>>> field
>>>>>>>> - we would like to propose supporting this - perhaps as an optional extension?
>>>>>>>> - we would need to add an exception for handling circularity
>>>>>>>> - note: no way to express this in java, but you could express in a classfile

>>>>>>> John: NO for MVT 1.0. Potential ambiguity whether the field contains a value
>>>>>>> capable class or a derived value type
>>>>>>> javac just deals with boxes, so no flattening here. Wants same layouts whether
>>>>>>> boxed or not.
>>>>>>> John: MVT 1.0 will only flatten arrays reflectively
>>>>>>> End of discussion
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> Karen
>>>>>>> =======

>>>>>>>> 8. Splitting the value type from the object type
>>>>>>>> Propose not using the nested class approach, to not tie us into this
>>>>>>>> relationship longer term
>>>>>>>> - so remove example and the "looks like an inner class"
>>>>>>>> - note: a key point here is how the user generating bytecodes would know the
>>>>>>>> generated name of the DVT
>>>>>>>> This will need further discussion.
>>>>>>>> In the constant pool, references can use Qpackage.Class; rather than
>>>>>>>> Lpackage.Class;
>>>>>>>> Are there requirements for java sources to be able to refer to the derived value
>>>>>>>> type by name?
>>>>>>>> e.g. Class.forName()? If not, then perhaps the temporary naming convention could
>>>>>>>> be kept internal?

>>>> #8: not use nested class relationship between VCC and DVT:
>>>> Bjorn: not an issue either way
>>>> *** remove from spec: Does not belong in the spec - this is an implementation
>>>> detail
>>>> We don’t want to expose this as a nested class
>>>> - reflection might expose differently
>>>> - private static member access needs special handling, but not via javac
>>>> trampolines
>>>> - Minimal Value Types will to have nest mate support
>>>> Note: box must be in the same package & module
>>>> Need a way to mark the DVT - e.g. ACC_VALUE (other options ok)

>>>> Note : DVT name should not be exposed. Ok to use unsafe.defineAnonymousClass
>>>> to generate the DVT. The VM generates the DVT.
>>>> API ValueType.valueclass() returns, but doesn’t need to know how generated

>>>> Goal: VM’s problem to resolve QPoint descriptor reference to DVT for Point
>>>> *** add to spec: requirement: not want byte code to resolve LPoint$12345 (i.e.
>>>> a temporary name) - want ClassNotFound here

>>>>>>>> 9. Splitting the value type from the object type
>>>>>>>> p.5 "The original class is given a new synthetic field of the new value type, to
>>>>>>>> hold the state for the original class".
>>>>>>>> - to simplify implementation, and allow experiments which go beyond the initial
>>>>>>>> MVT plans, we propose
>>>>>>>> * that the VCC is left untouched
>>>>>>>> * the DVT has a copy of the immutable instance fields
>>>>>>>> - We think this qualifies as "any equivalent technique" on p.5
>>>>>>>> - the quote above would need modifying or removing

>>>> Agreed.

>>>>>>>> 10. Scoping of these features
>>>>>>>> - exploring adding class file capability bits for experimental features, as a
>>>>>>>> versioning approach
>>>>>>>> - we will want to pin this down later in the cycle

>>>> Brainstormed possibility of adding capability bits in minor version. Would need
>>>> to go through JCP.
>>>> editor’s note: may need to revisit this - turns out minor version 45.3 was
>>>> already used and set a precedent
>>>> that changes in a minor version would all be present in follow-on major
>>>> versions. So probably not in scope for MVT.

>>>>>>>> 11. JVM changes to support Q-types
>>>>>>>> - "So when the class loader loads an object whose fields are Q_types, it must
>>>>>>>> resolve (and perhaps load)
>>>>>>>> the classes of those Q_types, ..."
>>>>>>>> - for instance fields that are Q-types, I believe we need to explicitly specify
>>>>>>>> temporary JVMS load/link/init rules
>>>>>>>> (I will propose an early draft in a later email).
>>>>>>>> - e.g. Specifically, for instance fields that are Q-types, we would propose
>>>>>>>> requiring eager loading of the Q-types,
>>>>>>>> modifying JVMS 5.3.5 Deriving a Class from a class File Representation. Bullets
>>>>>>>> 3 and 4 described eager resolution
>>>>>>>> of the direct superclass and direct superinterfaces. The expectation is that an
>>>>>>>> additional bullet would be added
>>>>>>>> for direct instance fields that are Q-types.
>>>>>>>> - note that this change would make it the JVM's responsibility, not the class
>>>>>>>> loaders' responsibility,
>>>>>>>> to resolve the classes of those Q-types.
>>>>>>>> Note: in the JVMS load/link/init rules I will also propose VCC/DVT
>>>>>>>> load/link/init requirements.

>>>> Note: there are two discussions here relative to load/link/init rules.
>>>> One is for the DVT/VCC relationship.
>>>> Karen: always load VCC first
>>>> Bjorn: if MH API: always create VCC first
>>>> AI: Karen - send load/link/init proposal for MVT

>>>> Another is for flattening. Note VCC and DVT have the same field reference types,
>>>> which means no
>>>> QType fields, so no flattened fields in a DVT.

>>>> Note: VCC can not mention QTypes in source, since javac can not translate.

>>>> Bjorn: Can we use QTypes in descriptors of methods and fields if we spin byte
>>>> codes?
>>>> John: MethodHandles work with QTypes, therefore need an internal translation,
>>>> therefore need to
>>>> handle QTypes in descriptors, therefore ok to spin byte codes like MethodHandles
>>>> can.

>>>> This is not a gating goal for MVT, but is not forbidden.

>>>> Is it ok to flatten a QType field?

>>>> Maurizio:
>>>> VCC->DVT can NOT change descriptor, therefore can not contain a QType.

>>>> John: For MethodHandles and classes spun from byte codes with QType fields,
>>>> it is ok to flatten the QType.
>>>> - implementation choice.
>>>> - not required, but ok if not hard

>>>> (ed. note: I have other notes on flattening which I can not translate - if
>>>> others have notes
>>>> on non-array flattening please let me know)

>>>> We will however support flattening for arrays.
>>>> Ed note: thanks to Mr. Simms - he realized we need to initialize (and therefore
>>>> link) any value type that
>>>> is the element type for anewarray/multianewarray.

>>>> Array flattening:
>>>> this will not be done automagically
>>>> flatten array only if explicitly an array of value types, i.e.
>>>> anewarray/multianewarray with a DVT as the
>>>> objectref

>>>> TODO: open questions - need to investigate:
>>>> - Need to check how core reflection would deal with seeing an object that is a
>>>> DVTarray
>>>> - What does core reflection do if handed the j.l.Class for a DVT?
>>>> - Class.forName should not be able to find a j.l.Class for a DVT

>>>>>>>> 12. value bytecodes
>>>>>>>> - the following are useful in the MethodHandle implementation, and likely to be
>>>>>>>> useful for direct bytecode access
>>>>>>>> - we would like to propose the following as the minimal bytecode set:
>>>>>>>> in addition to vload, vstore, vreturn (and slot-specific variants)
>>>>>>>> - vdefault/vwithfield

>>>> open issue
>>>> Maurizio: nice on paper
>>>> In practice: challenges - vwithfield write to final field
>>>> note: all fields in DVT are final

>>>> If we do not provide vdefault/vwithfield, but only provide vbox/vunbox
>>>> MethodHandles will use unsafe to set fields and then unbox
>>>> ed. note - need to revisit

>>>>>>>> - vbox/vunbox

>>>> YES
>>>> Dan: what about a2b vs. vbox/vunbox?
>>>> ed note: we initially investigated a general a2b and we don’t yet have a good
>>>> way to define a CONSTANT_Type
>>>> or equivalent which we would need, so we found it easier to explicitly do
>>>> vbox/vunbox. (need to bring up in next meeting)

>>>>>>>> - vaload/vastore

>>>> YES

>>>>>>>> - vgetfield (fetch a field from a value type)

>>>> YES

>>>>>>>> - NOT vcmp_eq/ne (equality can be implemented as component-wise comparison)
>>>>>>>> clarify that for MVT 1.0, statics are only available through the box. (TODO:
>>>>>>>> where does this go in shady?)
>>>>>>>> 13. value bytecodes
>>>>>>>> - open issue
>>>>>>>> - typed prefix vs. vbytecodes for initial prototype
>>>>>>>> 14. Value bytecodes
>>>>>>>> use of Qtype as class component:
>>>>>>>> "Initially the only valid use of a Q-type [is] as the class component of a
>>>>>>>> CONSTANT_Methodref or CONSTANT_Fieldref
>>>>>>>> is as a CONSTANT_MethodHandle constant."
>>>>>>>> - if we extend the bytecodes as above, and we disallow anyone (MethodHandles,
>>>>>>>> bytecodes) from invoking methods on Qtypes, we
>>>>>>>> could modify this to disallow Q-types for CONSTANT_Methodref or
>>>>>>>> CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef completely.
>>>>>>>> - but perhaps you want the MethodHandles to be able to invoke methods on DVTs by
>>>>>>>> dynamically boxing them. This works as long
>>>>>>>> as the methods don't assume identity.
>>>>>>>> 15. Q-types and bytecodes
>>>>>>>> We propose modifying anewarray and multianewarray to allow operands that are
>>>>>>>> Q-types.
>>>>>>>> 16. Value Type Reflection
>>>>>>>> With the proposed modifications in #8 above: i.e. leaving the VCC untouched and
>>>>>>>> copying the
>>>>>>>> instance fields to the DVT, the VCC now matches the source file.
>>>>>>>> So Class.forName() would return the VCC which is the original POJO which fits
>>>>>>>> the backward compatibility model.
>>>>>>>> So we don't need a separate SourceClass, but leaving it in the proposal provides
>>>>>>>> implementation flexibility.
>>>>>>>> 17. Q-type method handles & behaviors "possible bytecode"
>>>>>>>> might want to change vnew to vdefault
>>>>>>>> these are samples and evolving, so maybe not worth changing
>>>>>>>> I did not do this level of detailed review for the Future Work yet.
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> Karen

>>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2016, at 8:08 PM, John Rose < john.r.rose at > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Aug 31, 2016, at 11:59 PM, John Rose < john.r.rose at > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have updated of this document to reflect comments so far.
>>>>>>>>>> It is stored to CR (in place) and enclosed here.
>>>>>>>>>> — John

>>>>>>>>>> Link:

>>>>>>>>>> <shady-values.html>
>>>>>>>>> I have updated the document again with small corrections and clarifications.
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