Equality for values -- new analysis, same conclusion
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Mon Aug 12 17:37:41 UTC 2019
> I think we should take a step back on that subject,
> because you are all jumping to the conclusion too fast in my opinion.
> Let starts by the beginning,
> the question about supporting == on inline type should first be guided by what we should have decided if inline types were present from the inception of Java, it's the usual trick when you want to retcon a feature.
This is a good question, and worth discussing.
> If we had inline types from the beginning, i believe we will never had allowed == on Object, the root type of the hierarchy, but have a special method call that will only work on indirect type like in C#.
Talk about jumping to conclusions too fast :) This is surely one of the
options, but by far not the only.
If we had the benefits of hindsight (both for how Java is used, and
where it was going), we might instead have chosen the following total
- `==` is a substitutibility test for all types
- `===` delegates to equals() for all class types, and == for
primitives (let's not discuss this further, as it is separable and
surely not the problem on the table.)
Note that on "traditional" object references, Object== _is already_ a
substitutibility test. In fact, on every type that `==` is defined
today, it is a substitutibility test (modulo NaN.) So while we might
have chosen a different path back then, we can still choose a path that
is consistent with where we might have gone, by extending == to be a
substitutibility test for the new types. This also seems the path of
least astonishment.
The problem with Object== is not that it is unsound, it's that it is
_badly overused_. This largely comes from coding conventions set very
early in Java's lifetime, such as using `==` as a quick check both in
the implementation of `equals()` methods, and before calling `equals()`
(e.g., `x == y || x.equals(y)`). And this overuse comes from
performance assumptions from the Java 1.0 days, which were that
everything was interpreted and virtual method calls like equals() were
super-expensive. This was true for the first few years, but in
hindsight, these coding patterns are the boat anchor, not the semantics
of Object== itself. These patterns went from "necessary for
performance" to "useless but harmless", and it is their harmlessness
that has allowed them to survive.
Also, let's be honest: the sole reason we're having this conversation is
that we are concerned about the performance impact. That should surely
be considered, but letting that dictate the semantics of language-level
equality would be an extremely risky move -- and something we should
consider with the utmost of care and skepticism.
> i propose
> - to banned V== (compile error)
> - to make Object==and T== emit a compiler warning explaining that the code should be changed
> - add a method System.identityEquals(RefObject, RefObject) as replacement
I get why this is attractive to you, but I think it will be a constant
source of confusion to users. First, we've told users that one of the
key use cases for value types is numerics. Numerics are frequently
compared for equality. That users can't use `==` on numeric values at
all will surely be a puzzlement, and not just once per user. (There are
things that we can explain to users, and they'll say "OK, I don't like
it but I get it", but if we try to explain to them why they can't
compare two Float16s for equality, their eyes will likely glaze over and
will say "you guys have gone off the deep end.")
Further, many algorithms need to use == to say "have I reach the
sentinel value" or "is this the element I am looking for." In
performance-sensitive code, users want to use == in preference to
equals(). This again will be a source of puzzlement.
So this approach, while viable, has a much higher cognitive-load cost
than you are imagining. (Yes, you could say "when we have operator
overloading, it won't be a problem." Given that this is not coming for
a while, if at all, I don't see this as an answer. And again, let's not
discuss this now, as it is a distraction.)
I do agree that we should seek to discourage the over-use of `==`
through compiler warnings and other tools. But I think that's a
separate and separable problem.
> Now, the second thing that disturb me is that no email of this thread, lists the two issues of the substitutibility test that make it unsuitable as an implementation of Object==.
> - it's not compatible with the primitive == on float and double, by example,
I think this is mostly a "whatabout" argument. Yes, it's irritating.
Yes, it's tiring to keep saying "modulo NaN". Yes, it was probably a
mistake. But given the choice between:
- NaN is so weird that we should just treat it as a removable
- See, NaN does it, so we have precedent, and now can do it wherever
we like
there's a reasonable choice, and an insane choice. The reason no one
has brought it up is because no one wanted to advocate for the insane
choice. That seems sane to me.
> has the stupid property of having == being true and equals() being false if value is NaN.
Yes, its stupid. Do we want to say "oops, we made a mistake there", or
emulate that mistake forevermore?
> - it can be really slow
> 1) Object== can be megamorphic
> 2) Object== can do a recursive call
> so it destroys the assumption that Object== is faster than equals.
This has been discussed extensively, so it puzzles me why you think it
hasn't been discussed. Yes, this is a big concern. Yes, we should look
for ways to mitigate this. Yes, we should seek to discourage the
rampant overuse of ==, and to the extent that the performance model has
shifted, educate users about the new performance model. But it is not,
in itself, an argument why we should pick the wrong (or no) semantics
for val==.
> so the only choice we have is to return false is the left or the right operand is an inline type.
OK, my turn to be disturbed. Yes, this is a valid choice, and we can
discuss it. But to claim that it is the only choice ... well, to
misquote Lord Vader: "I find your lack of imagination ... disturbing."
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