java.lang.Record vs InlineObject/IdentityObject

Remi Forax forax at
Wed Mar 25 17:37:58 UTC 2020

currently a record can only be an IdentityObject but at some point, we want to introduce an inline record ?

Now the question: What the subtyping relation between java.lang.Record and InlineObject/IdentityObject ?

An identity record (resp. an inline record) should be a subtype of both java.lang.Record and IdentityObject (resp InlineObject).
Given that java.lang.Record has to be an abstract class because you can not re-abstract an interface method.
So both IdentityObject and InlineObject are interface and java.lang.Record inherits from Object.

Am i right ?
Or do we really care about re-abstracting the methods of j.l.Record ?


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