basic conceptual model

Kevin Bourrillion kevinb at
Tue Dec 14 01:49:15 UTC 2021


So I've been threatening for a long time that I've been hard at work
writing up a coherent conceptual model for "how data looks/works inside a
running Java program today". I have a few purposes for it, but one is to
form a basis for explaining "and now here's precisely what parts Valhalla
will change and how".

*Data in Java programs: a basic conceptual model*

This model comes filtered through a particular set of perceptions and
biases. It's just *a* documented model and isn't trying to be a *the*. As
such, you don't have to agree with all of it, but it would still be very
helpful to know if it is inconsistent or confusing or ill-founded, or if
you just see a way it could be better. I'll gladly add comment access on

The next document (whenever that is) will try to examine various options
for adjusting that particular model to accommodate Valhalla.

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at
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