[External] : Re: Enhancing java.lang.constant for Valhalla

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Dec 16 17:50:44 UTC 2021

This reminds me of an earlier version of the jl.constant API, where we 
tried to track the varargs bit.  In the end, we dropped this, because it 
washed off too easily in the API.  We could have a preload() bit that 
travels with the ClassDesc, which would then have to be propagated into 
a bit mask in MethodTypeDesc, which would have to carry the bits around 
(and expose them) through combinators like dropArguments().  Seems 
possible, but also seems like there's gonna be some whack-a-mole 
handling the wash-off cases.

Stepping back, the ClassDesc type was originally intended to model the 
C_Class constant pool entry.  And there's not L* flavor of C_Class.  
But, it is also reasonable to use ClassDesc as a way of describing a 
field descriptor in a bytecode API (and similar for MethodTypeDesc.)

Presumably the preload attribute is one attribute for the whole class.  
That means that a classfile reader would have to parse that attribute, 
and when dispensing ClassDesc to clients, would have to look in the 
table to see whether the class is there?

Also, how would this affect ClassDesc::equals?  Would LFoo and L*Foo be 

On 12/16/2021 12:26 PM, Dan Heidinga wrote:
> The updated api looks pretty good for handling both L and Q descriptors.
> There's one case that isn't handled here though - L* descriptors.
> WIth the bucket 2 & 3 design, we really have 3 kinds of descriptors:
> L, Q, and L*.  Over the years, we've spent a lot of time as an EG
> talking about stars on descriptors and working through the issues
> related to "stars washing off".  I think this API is one of the cases
> where stars may wash off and therefore needs some way to indicate that
> a given L descriptor is actually an L* descriptor.
> Why are stars important?  If we don't have stars - which are the L
> form of Q's "go and look" preload contract - we lose out on calling
> convention and layout optimizations for the bucket 2 classes with
> their L descriptors.  Without the "*" on the descriptor, we may miss
> the preload signal for a given ClassDesc and lose our chance to
> optimize.
> Tracking this extra boolean state in the ClassDesc seems like a
> reasonable thing to do to let the stars flow through the system and
> ensure they are available at classfile generation time when we want to
> write the preload attribute.
>> So, summarizing the new methods (modulo naming changes to reflect changes in Valhalla language syntax):
>>      ClassDesc ofInternal(String internalBinaryName)
>>      boolean isValue()
>>      ClassDesc valueType()
>>      ClassDesc refType()
> Having 3 forms of descriptors unfortunately causes some issues with
> the "isValue()" and "valueType()" apis.  Do both bucket 2 and 3 return
> "true" for isValue()?  There are also two possible results for
> valueType() when called on an L - add a star or convert to a Q
> descriptor.
> Figuring out the right methods to add - and naming them - overlaps
> somewhat with the other thread about the meaning of "primitive".  So
> borrowing John's terminology, I think we can get by with a single new
> potential API after redefining the contract for some of the other
> proposed apis:
>       ClassDesc ofInternal(String internalBinaryName)
>       boolean isValue()                         // true for both L* & Q
>       ClassDesc valueType()                // creates L* descriptor
>       ClassDesc extendedPrimitive()    // creates Q descriptor
>       ClassDesc refType()
> Alternatively, a single 'ClassDesc valueType(boolean isQ)' could be
> added but I think the multiple method approach is better as aligning
> the names makes the intention clearer.
> --Dan
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