[External] : Re: Object as a concrete class

Dan Heidinga heidinga at redhat.com
Fri Apr 1 14:31:00 UTC 2022

> Let's step back and ask "what is the purpose of
> Class::isIdentityClass".  It kind of got conflated with the dynamic
> check of "does this object have identity", but really, this should be a
> query about how the class is declared -- identity class, value class, or
> identity-agnostic class.  The latter bucket includes all interfaces,
> Object, and some abstract classes.  So to the extent we have this method
> at all, a tri-value return seems almost a forced move.

Sounds like we're on the same page.  If we don't provide binary
queries, we'll avoid users thinking there's a clear one or the other
divide here.  I won't spitball actual APIs now as I'd need to spend
more time to provide anything useful.


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