SoV-2: weak references
Remi Forax
forax at
Wed Feb 9 17:00:30 UTC 2022
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Heidinga" <heidinga at>
> To: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> Cc: "valhalla-spec-experts" <valhalla-spec-experts at>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 5:50:29 PM
> Subject: Re: SoV-2: weak references
> One option is to look at what we can do to help users prepare for IAE
> when using value-based classes as keys to WHM. Can we take an
> approach similar to JEP 390 [1] and provide JFR events that flag uses
> of value-based classes as keys? It's not perfect but similar to JEP
> 390, it does help users to know if they need to do something to
> prepare for this.
I wonder if there is not a difference between a weak reference of a value class and a weak reference on a primitive class.
A weak reference on a primitive class makes no sense, a weak reference on a value class may make sense because a value class is handled by a pointer.
> --Dan
> [1]
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 1:54 PM Dan Heidinga <heidinga at> wrote:
>> >
>> > It certainly seems that all the choices are bad.
>> >
>> > The "obvious" choice is to simply say that WeakReference<Value> makes no sense,
>> > in that it sidesteps the hard semantics questions.
>> It's an uncomfortable answer but it seems to provide the most
>> defensible (and thus understandable) semantics for users. Values don't
>> have an explicit lifetime and thus there is no way to tell when "this"
>> copy of a value goes out of scope and can be collected. The object
>> references (if any) held by the value are not a good proxy for its
>> lifecycle - they can have either shorter or much longer life spans -
>> and will make reasoning about when a WeakReference<Value> can be
>> collected difficult for experts, let alone most users.
>> > My fear is that this will cause new failures, where existing libraries that toss
>> > objects into WHMs to cache derived results, will start to experience new
>> > failures when the value types show up in the heap (after all,
>> > WeakReference::new takes Object.)
>> This may be a case where the WeakReference constructor needs to be
>> updated to take an IdentityObject and the old constructor marked as
>> @Deprecated? Which doesn't solve the immediate problem but helps
>> justify adding a "fail-fast" check to all WeakReference constructors
>> so that they throw an IllegalArgumentException if the referent isn't
>> an IdentityObject.
>> This won't avoid failures but it does make it very clear what went
>> wrong rather than introducing "strange", hard to diagnose failures.
>> > And we'll have to have something to tell those users, because they declared a
>> > WeakHashMap<User, UserData>, and someone created a value subtype of User --
>> > which seems entirely valid.
>> >
>> > It is possible we could do something special with WHM, since it is layered atop
>> > WR, but that still begs the question -- what?
>> Starting from the conclusion that WeakReference<Value> is a
>> meaningless entity, what are the options here?
>> 1) Make it impossible to use a Value as a key in a WeakHashMap.
>> ::put(key, value) & ::pulAll(Map m) will throw if a key is a Value
>> object. ::containsKey(Object) will always be false if the Object is a
>> ValueObject. This makes WeakHashMap unusable with Values. The
>> semantics are clear but all existing uses of WeakHashMap will need to
>> be adapted to defensively check for Values and do something (tbd) to
>> avoid the exceptions.
>> 2) Use strong references for Value keys in WeakHashMap.
>> Treat each Value object used as a key in WeakHashMap as a strong
>> reference. This means Value keys will never be removed and will keep
>> their corresponding map value alive forever (or until explicitly
>> removed). While this will allow WeakHashMaps to continue to be used
>> as Maps for Values, it will break the contract for WHM and may
>> introduce memory leaks into otherwise correct programs.
>> 3) Pick some other object to act as the reference when using a Value
>> key in a WHM.
>> This is basically the solution we rejected for WeakReference<Value>
>> and all the same problems apply here. It may allow existing code to
>> "keep working" when it first deals with Values but introduces strange
>> failure cases and difficult to reason about rules. It avoids
>> exceptions but leaves the code doing the wrong thing with no way to
>> tell.
>> Anyone see another option here?
> > --Dan
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