Value type companions, encapsulated

John Rose john.r.rose at
Wed Jul 13 15:57:56 UTC 2022

On 2 Jul 2022, at 20:24, John Rose wrote:


On 3 Jul 2022, at 5:25, Remi Forax wrote:
>> One kind of sad thing with CONSTANT\_Class QC; is that we need it now 
> but once we will have the new generics, we will not need it anymore 
> because it can be express with a CONSTANT\_Specialization\_Linkage + a 
> constant dynamic. So it's a kind of temporary design.

That’s probably true.  But (like you?) I think this “sad thing” is 
too hard to avoid.  One consolation:  The existing descriptor syntax for 
a CONSTANT\_Class of an *array type* is much older sad thing of the same 
type.  The two sad things can keep each other company in a corner of the 

> I wonder if it's not "better" to separate checkcast from unbox/box 
> given that mixing them together result in different resolution for all 
> checkcasts (compare to anewarray). From the language POV, those two 
> kind of checkcasts are different anyway.

But from the JVM POV lumping behaviors into bytecodes is a much better 
move, than splitting them out into separate new bytecodes, when the 
lumping makes any sense at all.  And in this case it does.

On 4 Jul 2022, at 6:45, Dan Heidinga wrote:

> Sorry for top-posting but it was easier to track a list of issues as I
> read through:

I actually prefer the top-posting, and the markdown is kind of a mess, 
so you don’t need to apologize.  :-)

> * Miscellaneous privatization checks
> --> MethodHandle.asType(MT) and MethodHandle.invoke() will also need
> to protect against the zero being introduced.
> …Here we see invoke() converting a void to a reference (null) and
> similarly for a primitive, to zero.  Both these apis will need similar
> treatment as ::explictCastArguments.

Good catch.  I see you still remember your JSR 292 details.  Fixed.

> Serialization
> --> There's a mention of serialization but if Lambda taught us
> anything, it's that serialization requires more thought than we
> expected, even if we take that into account =)  We should spend some
> time on what serialization of a C.val actually means, any format
> concerns, and how it interacts with default reconstitution behaviours.
> Otherwise, we'll leave a hole here where unconstructed values can be
> deserialized.

Added this:

>> Reconstruction operations defined outside of `C` must be designed 
>> with
>> great care if they use elevated privileges beyond what `C` provides
>> directly.  Given the historically tricky nature of deserialization,
>> more work is needed to consider what serialization of a C.val 
>> actually
>> means and how it interacts with default reconstitution behaviours.
>> One likely possibility is that wire formats should only work with
>> `C.ref` types with proper construction paths (enforced by 
>> serialization),
>> and leave conversion to `C.val` types to deserialization code inside
>> the encapsulation of `C`.

> C.default & Reflection
> --> Is "default" a reflectively accessible field or compiler sugar?
> If a user does C.val.class.getDeclaredFields will it find "default"?
> Or maybe C.class.getDeclaredFields?  I'm fine with it being a fiction
> but I wasn't clear how far we were pushing that into the reflective
> model as well.  I think the intent is to expose this with
> Class::defaultValue / Lookup::defaultValue APIs but clarification
> would be good.
> Accessing C.val.class
> --> Do we need restrictions here beyond those of accessing C.class?

Those restrictions are a paper tiger, as I think I’ve proven.  My 
recommendation is to have a second paper tiger on `C.val.class` as well. 
  This consistency has a specific goal, to help users learn more quickly 
how access control of `C.val` works, giving them direct experience with 
it via the `C.val.class` syntax.

> The mirror may be required to create MethodTypes for use in
> MethodHandle lookup().find* apis even by code that can't create a
> C.val.  Given that it will leak already as shown in the doc, do we
> need the extra restrictions?

It’s a paper tiger, but an educational one.
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