one class, two types, many bikesheds
John Rose
john.r.rose at
Wed Jul 13 19:43:18 UTC 2022
The latest iteration of the user model for value classes makes it
crystal clear that one value class `C` defines two types.
The second type is named `C.val` (at present, until that bikeshed is
repainted). This is the “value companion” to `C`, or maybe its
“companion value type”.
The term “companion” tries to capture the idea that the class
doesn’t come alone but travels with some friends, its types. But this
pulls in a long and difficult discussion about the exact relation
between a class and a type. And then (inevitably) “what’s a class
*really*?” and “what’s a type *really*?”
I think we want to make a distinction between a class and a type. A
class is primarily a bunch of source code, later compiled into a
classfile. A type is the primary static attribute of a variable in
source code, determining its range of values and set of valid
operations. As later compiled, the type determines a JVM-level type
(usually what we call a field descriptor). The type probably also
determines something of the eventual format of the variable in a real
machine, although that’s a secret the JVM keeps.
In some of our discussions we have called the other companion type of
`C`, which is the (nullable) reference type, by the name `C.ref`, as if
it were something you could write in source code. Perhaps I should be
saying `C.__REF` to avoid giving that impression. But perhaps not.
(A generic class can engender many, many types. Is this a whole mob of
companion types? Perhaps not, but it does call for a clear term for
this other relation of classes to types.)
(Note also that the “raw type” of a generic class is named by just
the class name, sans type arguments: Plain `List` instead of
`List<String>`. And not `List.raw`, at least not today.)
To me it seems useful to treat the two types with a certain amount of
symmetry. There is one class, and two companion types, not a class
(which is also a type), plus its companion (value) type.
If we do this, it makes some further sense to give them symmetrical
names, `C.ref` and `C.val`. We then say that the class name `C`, used
in a context that requires a type, is “just sugar” for the more
exact `C.ref` (and certainly not `C.val`, or you would have used that
Are there other uses for `C.ref`? I can think of just two:
- For type variables (*which are not classes*) `T.ref` (or some other
bikeshed color) means “recover the reference companion, even if the
generic argument was a value type”.
- For extreme stylized clarity in source code, where someone wants to
emphasize that a variable is nullable. (Could this interact with
null-inference schemes? Oh, certainly!)
The use `T.ref` lends weight to making the companions symmetric. You
can go from `C` meaning `C.ref` to `C.val` in `List<C.val>` and then
inside `List` you can go back to `C.ref`. It’s a two-way street.
There is a limit to treating the two companions symmetrically. Do we
really want to allow inner declarations of the form `public companion
type C.ref;`, on the grounds that we do so for the companion `C.val`?
No, because reference types are “hardwired” by present JVM
specifications, and presumably future ones.
Maybe we will turn, in the end, to a maximally asymmetric design, with
no symmetrical treatment anywhere; no `C.ref` in particular. But the
cost of that is never being able to refer unambiguously to `C` as class
or as ref-type, except using informal notations or narrative prose.
At the moment, though, I like these rules, personally:
- For a value class name `C`, `C.val` names a type.
- For any class or interface name `C`, `C.ref` names a type, meaning
the same thing as `C`.
- For any type variable `T` (in new generics), `T.ref` names a type.
- Maybe: For any type variable `T` (in specialized generics?),
`T.val` also names a type.
- The ref and val suffixes cannot be applied elsewhere. (So no
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