The storage hint model
forax at
forax at
Thu Jul 21 21:45:39 UTC 2022
> From: "John Rose" <john.r.rose at>
> To: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
> Cc: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>, "valhalla-spec-experts"
> <valhalla-spec-experts at>
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2022 9:31:00 PM
> Subject: Re: The storage hint model
> On 21 Jul 2022, at 6:54, [ mailto:forax at | forax at ] wrote:
>> …
>>>>> I've no idea about the performance of such kind of implementations, but >>>
>>>>> using
>>>> T.flat give better control on what is flattenable or not in the implementation.
>>> If we choose, we can code this trick in the design of record as well.
>> You mean in the design of array ? I don't think it's wise given that the shape
>> of the array change, but perhaps GCs can be modified to add a relocate and
>> unflat operation to array.
> No, I mean in the design of ArrayList (or similar generics) in the way you
> sketch. If we choose we can create shape-shifting List/Map/etc. containers
> which ignore the .val channel in their type args (or there’s none at all, as
> you are proposing here), accept nulls, but have a better internal organization
> if no nulls are encountered dynamically.
I believe you need a T.val which forces to use the flat representation when the type argument of T is a value class but not a .val.
> I say “if we choose” because there are reasons not to choose something that
> tricky and dynamic. Library designers have more options if .val is in the type
> channel.
I believe that V8 has this kind of arrays for JavaScript.
>>> …If some but not all of those
>>> locations accept my chosen SC, my refactorings have greater friction.
>> If the variable is typed by a type variable, yes. But we have decided to have
>> the exact same kind of friction
>> - with value class in practice because the VM is able to unmask the value class
>> on stack but not on heap.
> Here by “friction” I think you mean hidden costs when heap placement of a value
> requires separate buffering of the payload also on heap. Alert users sometimes
> care about such subtleties. But (here’s the key point) users who just want the
> types to connect things up properly can ignore hidden costs and have a
> frictionless experience refactoring between heap and stack. That’s a win you
> don’t have when every user (alert or otherwise) is confronted with SC choices
> to align with type choices, during refactoring.
>> - with wildcards (you have to add those pesky ? extends/super).
> I have a separate proposal to patch that. It’s irregular but (again) visible
> only to the very alert. A plain value class name C , when it appears as a type
> argument, should be treated as sugar for ? extends C.ref . This is consistent,
> I claim, with the treatment of C as sugar for C.ref in other contexts. It’s a
> little piece of the magic from Dan Smith’s thesis, applied specifically to the
> needs of type companions.
Only when testing for subtyping relationship. Otherwise it means you can not add a C into a List of C.
For me, this kind of trick are a symptom of the problem of using .val as a type channel, having two types for one value class means that most of the features that are using types in Java needs to be massaged (inference, overloading, subtyping, etc). Having a feature that requires re-interpretation of the spec everywhere should be a red flag. I'm not sure that my proposal of using storage hints is better but the cost of using .val as a type channel is scary.
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