Alternative to IdentityObject & ValueObject interfaces

Dan Smith daniel.smith at
Wed Mar 23 05:34:11 UTC 2022

On Mar 22, 2022, at 7:44 PM, Kevin Bourrillion <kevinb at<mailto:kevinb at>> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 4:56 PM Dan Smith <daniel.smith at<mailto:daniel.smith at>> wrote:

In response to some encouragement from Remi, John, and others, I've decided to take a closer look at how we might approach the categorization of value and identity classes without relying on the IdentityObject and ValueObject interfaces.

(For background, see the thread "The interfaces IdentityObject and ValueObject must die" in January.)

Could anyone summarize the strongest version of the argument against them? The thread is not too easy to follow.

I'm sure there's more, but here's my sense of the notable problems with the status quo approach:

- We're adding a marker interface to every concrete class in the Java universe. Generally, an extra marker interface shouldn't affect anything, but the Java universe is big, and we're bound to break some things (specifically by changing reflection behavior and by producing more compile-time intersection types). We can ask people to fix their code and make fewer assumptions, but it adds upgrade friction, and the budget for breaking stuff is not unlimited.

- Injecting superinterfaces is something entirely new that I think JVMs would really rather not be involved with. But it's necessary for compatibly evolving class files. We've spent a surprising amount of time working out exactly when the interfaces should be injected; separate compilation leads to tricky corner cases.

- There's a tension between our use of modifiers and our use of interfaces. We've made some ad hoc choices about which are used in which places (e.g., you can't declare a concrete value class by saying 'class Foo implements ValueObject'). In the JVM, we need modifiers for format checking and interfaces for types. This is all okay, but the arbitrariness and redundancy of it is unsatisfying and suggests there might be some accidental complexity.

- Subclass restriction: 'implements IdentityObject' has been replaced with the 'identity' modifier. Complexity cost of special modifiers seems on par with the complexity of special rules for inferring and checking the superinterfaces.

The rules for the modifiers are okay. But here's my observation. The simplest way to explain those rules would be if the `value` keyword is literally shorthand for `extends/implements ValueObject`. I think the rules fall out from that, plus:

  *   IO and VO are disjoint. (As interfaces can already be, like `interface Foo { int x(); }` and `interface Bar { boolean x(); }`, and if it really came down to it, you could literally put an incompatible method into each type and blame their noncohabitation on that :-))
  *   A class that breaks the value class rules has committed to being an identity class.
  *   We wouldn't know how to make an instance that is "neither", so instantiating a "neither" class has to have default behavior, and that has to be to give you what it always has.

In each case I've explained why the rule seems very easy to understand to me. So from my POV, this still pulls me back to the types anyway. I would say that your rules for the modifiers are largely simulating those types.

Yes, it is nice how we get inheritance for free from interfaces. But when you compare that with the "plus" list (which I'd summarize as: disjointedness, declaration restrictions, and inference), it's not like getting inheritance "for free" is such a huge win. It's maybe 20% less complexity or something to explain the feature.

Of course the big win is that interfaces are types, so we already know how to use them in the static type system. As your later comments suggest, I think our expectations for static typing are probably the most important factor in deciding which strategy best meets our needs.
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