Preload attribute

Dan Heidinga heidinga at
Mon Jun 26 13:58:16 UTC 2023

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 6:36 PM Dan Smith <daniel.smith at> wrote:

> > On Jun 15, 2023, at 6:31 AM, Dan Heidinga <heidinga at> wrote:
> >
> > Following on from our discussion during the EG meeting, I think our
> current error handling approach (drop the errors) unfortunately violates
> the spec.
> > So using the existing flexibility in the resolution of symbolic
> references means we still have to report errors where they may occur in the
> program. Looking back at the example classfile, we're within the spec to
> preload Constant_class #8 using the existing rules but if it fails during
> preload, we need to poison Constant_class #8 so reuse of it fails with the
> same exception even if the load of class "V" would succeed later.
> >
> > This is not the outcome I wanted when digging through the spec - I liked
> our decision to ignore errors from preload.
> Let's consider a vanilla VM, without 'Preload'. According to 5.4, when can
> an implementation resolve symbolic references?
> - At first execution of an instruction that references the constant
> - During verification
> - Immediately after loading
> - ...
> In fact, there's no constraint on resolution at all, within these bounds:
> sometime after loading, sometime before instruction execution (or some
> similar "blocking" requirement to access the resolution result).
> There *are* some additional constraints on surfacing errors: they must be
> "thrown at a point in the program where some action is taken by the program
> that might, directly or indirectly, require linkage to the class or
> interface involved in the error". I'm not entirely sure what that means,
> but one implication is that resolution might happen at time X, but the
> error is held until time Y (X > Y) when it is allowed to be thrown.
> (Implemented, perhaps, by setting the state of the constant as "resolved
> with error", then leaving it to future resolution attempts to discover and
> throw the error.)

Agreed.  Once resolution of a symbolic reference to a class fails, it must
always fail.

> Within that framework, my interpretation of Preload is that it (1) forces
> some symbolic references into the constant pool, giving VMs the opportunity
> to resolve them whenever it's convenient (subject to the usual rules); and
> (2) encourages VMs to pay special attention to those references, perhaps
> resolving them earlier than other references. But this doesn't change
> anything about what the spec allows vs. the equivalent class file that has
> had its Preload attribute removed.

Also agreed.  My concern was that during our EG discussion, we had
indicated that Preload-related errors were dropped.  Not reporting them at
the preload point is fine, but the spec requires that failed preloads
poison symbolic reference (ie: Constant_Class constant pool entry) so
future attempts to use it also fail.

It sounds like you and I are interpreting the current spec the same way but
that it's more subtle than we expressed on the EG call.

> What would be invalid, according to JVMS, is to attempt to resolve
> something mentioned by 'Preload', get an error, discard the error, and then
> come back later and attempt to resolve it again (perhaps succeeding this
> time).


> So that's my read of the status quo. What about this do you specifically
> think we should change?

As I said above, I think you and I agree on how error handling has to
happen and it's unfortunately more subtle than just drop the errors.

I would still like to see a defined point in the loading / linking sequence
where the VM has to have attempted the preloads as it makes a stronger
guarantee for users.  The current approach feels very much like a hack to
work around limitations in how calling conventions are bound (and something
we'd be happy to see go away in the future) rather than a principled
addition to the VM's behaviour.

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