Not yet again !

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Sat Oct 21 15:28:13 UTC 2023

> Last year, we stop to use interfaces IdentityObject and ValueObject to specify value/identity-ness.
> LooselyConsistentValue exhibits exactly the same bad behaviors as those interfaces.

I think if you work through the details, you'll find that it is not the 
*exact* same set of behaviors.

Which is the problem with arguments like this: "X is like Y, and Y 
didn't work -> X won't work" are only superficially satisfying. Could 
you work through your argument with more details, and with less "we did 
that before and it failed"?  Because the reasons I recall for pulling 
back on {Identity,Value}Object don't seem to apply here.  There may be 
new, different arguments that do apply, but you'll have to make them 
more directly...

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