How to represent value based classes ?

Remi Forax forax at
Mon Jul 23 20:32:12 UTC 2018

Hi all,
i've plyed for some quite times now to specify in my mind what a value based class can be and i think it's time write that down.

First, why we need value based class ?
We want to offer a path to refactor a class to a value type but given that class instances are nullable and value type values are not, the proposed solution is to introduce a kind of 'compatible with null' value type i.e. a value based class. Java in its API already specifies that some classess (Optional, LocalDateTime) are value based classes saying that they have no identity.

What is the best outcome ?
The best case is like checked exceptions, i.e. the VM doesn't know what a value based class is and only javac knows what a value based class is and add some magics, do null tranlation back and forth. But i doubt it's possible because with the ValueTypes attribute, a class can not be a reference class and as a value type inside the same method, so the VM has to do the conversion in adapters.

Proposed wrapping/unwrapping:
A value based class is a value type with one discriminator field. A discriminator field is a field that is annotated with the flag ACC_DISCRIMINATOR (only one by value based class). Technically from the VM implementation point of view, a discriminator is a field_offset + a type.

  class     -> value type
  if (null) -> vdefault

  value type                         -> class
  if (vt[discriminator_offset] == 0) -> null

The Value Type attributes also need to be modified to include a boolean that says if it's a plain value type or a value based class.

By example, for java.util.Optional, the field that contains the reference is also the discriminator field, which means that the difference Optional as value type and Optional as value based class is that the interpreter and the JIT may have to execute more tests to do null wrapping/unwrapping.

For java.util.OptionalLong, here we need a supplementary field, a boolean (a byte), is enough. In that case, the value based class may take more space + more tests.

For the class of java.time, Stephen can choose on per class basis, how to null as to be encoded.

To summarize:
A value based class can be either a class with some JIT optimizations but the layout of a class or a value type with a way to encode null, i think the former solution is sad.
Obviously, i'm not a specialist of the assembly languages so there is maybe another encoding scheme.
I think that letting the user to specify the discriminator field solve the issue to have to come with a general scheme that works for all value based classes, because you offload the verification that the discriminator can not be zero in the normal case to the user.


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