value type hygiene

John Rose john.r.rose at
Thu May 10 18:53:27 UTC 2018

On May 10, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:
> You can try to bridge inside the implementation, i.e. you have one method, so one signature, with an indy in it (indy let you access to the class metadata and the runtime view) that can decide to which implementations (implemented as side static methods) you want to delegate. I've already done this in case you have one method in Java that match multiple methods in a dynamic language. (I did not write too)

Yes, this is something the proposal buys us (by having L-only).
The JVM sets up bridges internally, at runtime (or AOT time),
using full knowledge of types.  (At least, as they are loaded.)

The easiest thing is to assign *one* calling sequence per v-table
slot, based on the preferences of the first class allocating the slot.

That can fail under obscure circumstances when one v-table slot
is constrained by two supers (1 or 2 interfaces), which is rare but
possible.  For single inheritance, everything works.

I'd like to explore, making MI-induced conflicts a CLC failure,
under the theory that they won't happen in practice.
CLCs, after all, exist to prevent divergence of opinions about
the classfile of a named type, and the point of contention is
a v-table slot.  So this is natural to try as a rider on the CLC

(Note that failures only come when, out of two supers in a MI
situation, one fails to be recompiled with knowledge of values.
E.e., a third-party interface using LocalDate fails to recompile,
and fourth-party code does recompile but implements the
third-party interface *and* also implements a core interface
that also mentions the same descriptor.  Sounds rare to me.)

If, after experimentation, we realize that we don't want to
tolerate a failure in those corner cases (of legacy APIs mixed
in just right) then jump forward to Brian's suggestion, which
is simply making up multiple internal/invisible bridges.
They only have to be built for default methods, AFAICS.
Since they are a pain and source of bugs, I don't want to
do them in our earlier explorations.

Dan could rejoin here (following Remi's method but in
reverse) that adding the Q-types doesn't change this story
much:  The JVM can treat Q-types and L-types as
interchangeable, *except* when v-table calling sequences
are assigned by the JVM, and when things get flattened.

The thing I like about ValueTypes that Q-types don't give
me is that it restrains clever bytecode generators from creating
nullable versions of Q-types *for the long haul*.  How about
this for a proposal:  We do Q-less L-world for now, forcing
language compilers to make the val-vs-ref decision consistently
*for each whole classfiles* and by implication *as globally as
possible*, and save for later a new descriptor bit which says
"this thing is nullable" (if a value) and/or "this thing is not
nullable" (if a ref).  Such descriptors would give us emotional
types.  They are not needed (and a distraction) to give us
value types.

— John

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