generic specialization design discussion

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Tue Apr 9 20:10:02 UTC 2019

On 09/04/2019 18:04, Brian Goetz wrote:
> In addition to liking the sound of it, I like that it is more “modifer-y” than “value”, meaning that it could conceivably be applied to other entities:
>      inline record R(int a);
>      inline enum Foo { A, B };
I like it too - especially because in C/C++ "inline" doesn't actually 
_force_ the compiler to do anything. So, I like the hint-y nature of 
this keyword and I think it brings front & center what this feature is 
about in a way that 'value' never really did (users asking about the 
difference between records and values is, I think, a proof of that 
particular failure).


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