a new contract for reference types

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Sat May 11 19:50:18 UTC 2019


On 5/8/19 7:16 PM, John Rose wrote:
> On May 7, 2019, at 11:37 PM, Peter Levart <peter.levart at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5/2/19 12:29 AM, John Rose wrote:
>>> Regarding subtyping, I don't see (from these considerations)
>>> a firm reason to declare that V? is a super of V.  The value
>>> set of V?*might*  have one more point than that of V,
>>> or it*might not*.  The reason we are doing V? is not the
>>> value set, but the whole contract, which includes the
>>> value set as an obvious, but ultimately non-determinative part.
>> Just one observation...
>> If inline class V was declared to support a "kind" of null (default, sentinel) value by itself, then how such value would be denoted?
>> Is this a way?
>> V v = null;
> Yes, because there's only one null in the whole world.
> (The possibility of having many kinds of null, perhaps
> one per type, is something we are trying to avoid.
> Null is a costly feature, sometimes referred to as a
> billion dollar mistake[1].  We have to deal with it
> in Java.  Adding more of them would be even more
> costly IMO.)
> [1]: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Null-References-The-Billion-Dollar-Mistake-Tony-Hoare

A really good and though provoking talk. In particular I liked the part 
where Tony Hoare compares flow control abstractions in high level 
languages (loops, if-then-else, exceptions) with data structure 
abstractions. The machine level building block for the first is jump 
instruction, while for the second a pointer.

While there are several different flow control abstractions, there's not 
much that is abstracted about pointers in high level languages. V vs. V? 
seems to be an abstraction in that direction that is just approximately 
tied to the machine level implementation.

So a question arises whether to allow calling instance methods on null V 
or to runtime check for null (sentinel) value and throw NPE at call site.

Since null (sentinel) value of null capable V is represented by a real 
state, it should be possible for instance methods to operate on that 
state, but...

>> If this was possible, then what would be the distinction between the following two then?
>> V? vInd1 = null;
>> V? vInd2 = v;
>> Would vInd1 and vInd2 represent the same "null" value?
> Yes, please please please.

... what should be the outcome of invoking an instance method on a null 
V? then?

If you allow calling instance method on a null V:

V v = null;

v.m(); // OK

Then the following becomes confusing for the user:

V v = null;

v.m(); // OK

V? vInd = v;

vInd.m(); // NPE or OK ?

You might implement the 2nd call to operate on a re-constructed null 
(sentinel) state of V in that case, but then throwing NPE or not becomes 
a matter of whether V is null-sentinel capable or not, because you can 
not construct null state when V does not declare that capability.

So the only consistent behavior seems to be to always throw NPE on null, 
which might involve runtime check for null sentinel state.

Regards, Peter

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