Reference-default style

John Rose john.r.rose at
Sun Feb 9 06:08:45 UTC 2020

On Feb 8, 2020, at 9:08 PM, Dan Smith <daniel.smith at> wrote:
> Oh, yeah, if we need to make sure that code gets executed (for identity classes), that will affect the design.

That’s the root of the stuff you found perhaps unnecessary.
It could be done the way you propose also, but adding the
ability of the invokespecial to turn into a “pop”, and dealing
with the loss of Object::<init> as a handy point of reference,
makes for a different, less regular set of JVM changes.

I could go either way on having Object::<init> changed to
be abstract, but I think it’s safer to leave it exactly as is,
and then just say “inlines never get there”.

— John

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