for review: 8236522: "always atomic" modifier for inline classes to enforce atomicity

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Sat Mar 14 11:14:14 UTC 2020

What if...

...fields of inline classes would not be implicitly final by default. 
They would just not allow assignment outside constructor and they would 
force exactly-once assignment in constructor. This would just be a rule 
for final classes. Now explicit final modifier could then be used for 
JMM effects. For example, in this inline class:

inline class Point {
     final long x, y;

...there would be no tearing possible.


Regards, Peter

On 3/14/20 12:01 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi,
> Comments inline...
> On 3/7/20 10:52 PM, John Rose wrote:
>>   Here’s the current draft java doc for java.lang.NonTearable:
>>> An inline class implements the {@code NonTearable} interface to
>>> request that the JVM take extra care to avoid structure tearing
>>> when loading or storing any value of the class to a field or array
>>> element.  Normally, only fields declared {@code volatile} are
>>> protected against structure tearing, but a class that implements
>>> this marker interface will never have its values torn, even when
>>> they are stored in array elements or in non-{@code volatile}
>>> fields, and even when multiple threads perform racing writes.
> What about final fields? In current JMM they imply there is a happens 
> before between end of constructor (where they are written to) and any 
> read of them even after racy publication of an instance. So in effect 
> final fields (in non-inline classes) behave as though they are written 
> to only once (there's no pre-initialization write that would be 
> visible). So I would expect no tearing to be visible too.
> Am I right to assume that an inline type whose value is assigned to a 
> final field of non-inline type need not be declared NonTearable ?
> If I'm right, then final modifier on a field could be used to declare 
> inline classes that don't allow tearing.
> All fields of inline classes are implicitly final. But does that 
> implicitness extends to non-tearability too? For example:
> inline class Tearable {
>     long x, y;
> }
> inline class TearableOrNot {
>     Tearable t;
> }
> The 't' field is implicitly final. So does TearableOrNot allow tearing 
> the t.x and t.y apart or not? If it doesn't then perhaps this could be 
> a way to express non-tearability of inline types. Another option would 
> be that fields of inline types are implicitly final but that only 
> means they can't be assigned to twice in constructor or even once 
> outside of constructor - it doesn't extend to non-tearability. For 
> non-tearability they would have to be explicitly declared as final. 
> But that would be confusing I think. It is already a little confusing, 
> because in non-inline classes, declaring all fields final means that 
> no tearing is possible. Not so in inline class where all fields are 
> implicitly final already. But that distinction on the 1st level could 
> be learned to live with.
> Regards, Peter
>>> <p> An inline instance of multiple components is said to be "torn"
>>> when two racing threads compete to write those components, and one
>>> thread writes some components while another thread writes other
>>> components, so a subsequent observer will read a hybrid composed,
>>> as if "out of thin air", of field values from both racing writes.
>>> Tearing can also occur when the effects of two non-racing writes
>>> are observed by a racing read.  In general, structure tearing
>>> requires a read and two writes (initialization counting as a write)
>>> of a multi-component value, with a race between any two of the
>>> accesses.  The effect can also be described as if the Java memory
>>> model break up inline instance reads and writes into reads and
>>> writes of their various fields, as it does with longs and doubles
>>> (JLS 17.7).
>>> <p> In extreme cases, the hybrid observed after structure tearing
>>> might be a value which is impossible to construct by normal means.
>>> If data integrity or security depends on proper construction,
>>> the class should be declared as implementing {@code NonTearable}.
>> Also, we could add a paragraph giving full disclosure about the
>> meaninglessness of having non-inlines implement NonTearable,
>> or maybe in the end we can position NonTearable in a
>> place where non-inlines cannot implement it.  I’m inclined to
>> leave it out for now, at least until we figure out the shape of the
>> type hierarchy immediately under Object.
>> Comments?

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