where are all the objects?

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Aug 10 18:11:00 UTC 2022

> I like the concept of identity as akin to an extra field that only 
> identity classes have, very much. It should feel like an "extra" 
> feature, and purely behavioral in nature. That means I like to untie 
> identity from addressability; push back on the idea that a reference 
> encodes the object's identity in any way. It's instead some opaque 
> "location" and we have no further expectations about it.

Let's run with this for a bit and see where it leads.  The following 
sketch is more of a "how we could describe it works" rather than a 
concrete proposal for refactoring the object model, but one can imagine 
an alternate universe where it actually was coded like this.

Imagine we have a magic class java.lang.Identity:

     final class Identity {
         /* Guaranteed to produce an Identity that is not equal() to any 
other known Identity */
         static Identity newIdentity();

         /* Special instance whose methods throw IMSE */
         static Identity NO_IDENTITY;

         void withLock(Runnable r) { ... }
         void wait() { ... }
         void notify() { ... }

And every class (until now) has an invisible field:

     final Identity identity = Identity.newIdentity();

And == works by comparing all the fields (as per the Valhalla 
description), _including_ the identity field.  Since two "different" 
objects have different identities, they are never == (and the 
implementation can short-circuit.)  System::identityHashCode(o) is just 
`o.identity.hashCode()`, and Object::hashCode delegates to that just as 
Object::equals delegates to `==`.

Object methods can be redefined as:

     class Object {
         final Identity identity = Identity.newIdentity();

         void wait() { identity.wait(); }
         void notify() { identity.notify(); }

and `synchronized (o) { block }` really means 
`o.identity.withLock(block)` (modulo exception transparency.)

Now, the main change for Valhalla is that instances of value classes, 
instead of having

     final Identity identity = Identity.newIdentity();

we have

     final Identity identity = Identity.NO_IDENTITY;

Can you think of any ways in which this is not isomorphic to the reality 
we have, other than assumptions about cost model?

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