[External] : Re: JEP update: Classes for the Basic Primitives

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Fri Feb 11 23:22:21 UTC 2022

>       And how does that differ from Point.class / Point.ref.class /
>     Point.class.noNotThatClassTheOtherClass() ?
> I realize you're not necessarily asking that question in this thread, 
> but I want to walk through how I would respond to it anyway.
> First here is what I already take to be true now:
> The `java.lang.Class` type doesn't precisely represent a class, but an 
> erased type (let's forget about `void.class`). The relationship from 
> erased type to class is "1 to 0..1", so for any `j.l.Class` instance 
> that does have a related class, that instance can go ahead and 
> represent the class too (e.g. iterate over its methods). But the 8 
> "basic" primitive types don't have a class, and array types partly 
> pretend to be classes, but this is okay.

I think this is giving Class more credit than it might deserve, but 
otherwise these arguments seem basically reasonable.  Class started out 
as 1:1 with .class files, but over time we realized "what about arrays", 
"what about primitives", etc.  It has been given too many jobs to do, so 
it defies having a clear role, but we can try to avoid making it too 
much worse.

>>     * I assume the reason "the JVM type Qjava/lang/Double cannot be
>>     encoded with a Class object" is because the distinction between
>>     it and D is intentional implementation detail.
>     Worse :(   The J and D carriers use two slots, so even if we
>     wanted to abstract over the primitive carriers, this is kind of a
>     dead end.  The java/lang/Double class allows us to encode
>     List<double> with a class that carries a double but fits in one slot.
> But... to be clear... it /is /also intentional implementation detail, 
> right? In the programming model a user can't care about the distinction?

Correct.  The existence of the D carrier is an implementation detail of 
the VM; if doubles were translated as LFakeDouble; the only thing the 
user would notice is that things got slower and heaps got bigger.

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