EG meeting, 2022-02-09 [SoV-3: constructor questions]

Dan Smith daniel.smith at
Sat Feb 12 00:24:24 UTC 2022

I need to do more work and have something concrete to propose before engaging too deeply in this discussion, but:

> On Feb 9, 2022, at 11:32 AM, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
> Regarding reflection, I think it would be OK to surface all of the <new> methods (of whatever signature) on the getConstructors list, even if they return “something odd”.

The thing about Constructors (and class instance creation expressions, for that matter, along with a lot of other <init>-based tooling that this new feature might want to transparently slide into) is that they have a type determined by the class to which they belong. There's no 'getReturnType' in the Constructor API.

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