Evolving instance creation
Ali Ebrahimi
ali.ebrahimi1781 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 10:17:17 UTC 2022
One more option:
(4) 'new Foo()' for unique instances and just 'Foo{}' otherwise
var Point = Point{ x:10 , y:10}
The syntax borrowed from Object Literal expressions in javafx1 language.
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 12:47 AM Dan Smith <daniel.smith at oracle.com> wrote:
> One of the longstanding properties of class instance creation expressions
> ('new Foo()') is that the instance being produced is unique—that is, not
> '==' to any previously-created instance.
> Value classes will disrupt this invariant, because it's possible to
> "create" an instance of a value class that already exists:
> new Point(1, 2) == new Point(1, 2) // always true
> A related, possibly-overlapping new Java feature idea (not concretely
> proposed, but something the language might want in the future) is the
> declaration of canonical factory methods in a class, which intentionally
> *don't* promise unique instances (for example, they might implement
> interning). These factories would be like constructors in that they
> wouldn't have a unique method name, but otherwise would behave like ad hoc
> static factory methods—take some arguments, use them to create/locate an
> appropriate instance, return it.
> I want to focus here on the usage of class instance creation expressions,
> and how to approach changes to their semantics. This involves balancing the
> needs of programmers who depend on the unique instance invariant with those
> who don't care and would prefer fewer knobs/less complexity.
> Here are three approaches that I could imagine pursuing:
> (1) Value classes are a special case for 'new Foo()'
> This is the plan of record: the unique instance invariant continues to
> hold for 'new Foo()' where Foo is an identity class, but if Foo is a value
> class, you might get an existing instance.
> In bytecode, the translation of 'new Foo()' depends on the kind of class
> (as determined at compile time). Identity class creation continues to be
> implemented via 'new Foo; dup; invokespecial Foo.<init>()V'. Value class
> creation occurs via 'invokestatic Foo.<newvalue>()LFoo;' (method name
> bikeshedding tk). There is no compatibility between the two (e.g., if an
> identity class becomes a value class).
> In a way, it shouldn't be surprising that a value class doesn't guarantee
> unique instances, because uniqueness is closely tied to identity. So
> special-casing 'new Foo()' isn't that different from special-casing
> Object.equals'—in the absence of identity, we'll do something reasonable,
> but not quite the same.
> Factories don't enter into this story at all. If we end up having unnamed
> factories in the future, they will be declared and invoked with a separate
> syntax, and will be declarable both by identity classes and value classes.
> (Value class factories don't seem particularly compelling, but they could,
> say, be used to smooth migration, like 'Integer.valueOf'.)
> Biggest concerns: for now, it can be surprising that 'new' doesn't always
> give you a unique instance. In a future with factories, navigating between
> the 'new' syntax and the factory invocation syntax may be burdensome, with
> style wars about which approach is better.
> (2) 'new Foo()' as a general-purpose creation tool
> In this approach, 'new Foo()' is the use-site syntax for *both* factory
> and constructor invocation. Factories and constructors live in the same
> overload resolution "namespace", and all will be considered by the use site.
> In bytecode, the preferred translation of 'new Foo()' is 'invokestatic
> Foo.<new>()LFoo;'. Note that this is the case for both value classes *and
> identity classes*. For compatibility, 'new/dup/<init>' also needs to be
> supported for now; eventually, it might be deprecated. Refactoring between
> constructors and factories is generally compatible.
> Because this re-interpretation of 'new Foo()' supports factories, there is
> no unique instance invariant. At best, particular classes can document that
> they produce unique instances, and clients who need this behavior should
> ensure they're working with classes that promise it. (It's not as simple as
> looking for a *current* factory, because constructors can be refactored to
> factories.)
> For developers who don't care about unique instances, this is the simplest
> approach: whenever you want an instance of Foo, you say 'new Foo()'.
> Biggest concerns: we've demoted an ironclad semantic guarantee to an
> optional property of some classes. For those developers/use cases who care
> about the unique instance invariant, that may be difficult, especially
> because we're undoing a longstanding property rather than designing it this
> way from the beginning.
> (3) 'new Foo()' for unique instances and just 'Foo()' otherwise
> Here, the 'new' keyword is reserved for cases in which a unique instance
> is guaranteed. For value class creation, factory invocation, and
> constructor invocation when unique instances don't matter, a bare 'Foo()'
> call is used instead. 'new Point()' would be an error—this syntax doesn't
> work with value classes.
> In bytecode, 'new Foo()' always compiles to 'new/dup/<init>', while plain
> 'Foo()' typically compiles to 'invokestatic Foo.<make>()LFoo;' (method name
> bikeshedding tk). For compatibility, plain 'Foo()' would support
> 'new/dup/<init>' invocations as well, if that's all the class provides.
> Refactoring between constructors and factories is generally compatible for
> plain 'Foo()' use sites, but not 'new Foo()' use sites.
> The plain 'Foo()' would become the preferred style for general-purpose
> usage, while 'new Foo()' would (eventually, after a long migration period)
> signal an interest in the unique instance guarantee. Java code written with
> the updated style is a little lighter on "ceremony".
> Biggest concerns: a somewhat arbitrary shift in coding style for all
> programmers to learn, which at a minimum must be adopted when working with
> value classes.
> ---
> What are your thoughts about the significance of the unique instance
> invariant? Is it important enough to design instance creation syntax around
> it? Do either (2) or (3) above sound like a better destination than the
> plan of record?
Best Regards,
Ali Ebrahimi
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