User model stacking: current status

Kevin Bourrillion kevinb at
Mon May 9 16:10:37 UTC 2022

On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 8:52 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:

We can provide atomicity semantics for sufficiently small objects at no
> cost.  In practicality this probably means "classes whose layout boils down
> to a single 32-bit-or-smaller primitive, or a single reference".

Right, and for long and double we can say they are as atomic as they ever

> But seriously, we won't get away with pretending there are just 3 buckets
> if we do this. Let's be honest and call it B4.
> "Bucket" is a term that makes sense in language design, but need not flow
> into the user model.  But yes, there really are three things that the user
> needs control over: identity, zero-friendliness, atomicity.  If you want to
> call that four buckets, I won't argue.

I *am* of course only caring about the user model, and that's where I'm
saying we would not get away with pretending this isn't a 4th kind of
concrete class.

>  - Classes like LocalDate have no good zero, so the user needs to be able
> to disavow the zero value when it doesn't fit the semantics of the class;

>  - (the controversial one) Atomicity is simply too confusing and
> potentially astonishing to piggyback on "primitive-ness" or
> "reference-ness" in a codes-like-a-class world.

(Controversial with me at least; I keep thinking who are these people who
can understand the rest of how to safely write non-locking concurrent code
yet would struggle with this?)

Would I be right that we can achieve primitive unification even without B4?
> There is nothing wrong with our delivering many performance gains while
> leaving others on the table for later.
> Yes, delivering primitive unification first means you can't have flat
> Complex yet.

But they still get *often-flat* Complex? Sounds like *always-flat* Complex
is the perfect thing to punt on then.

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at

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