Another XWayland-related issue

Maxim Kartashev maxim.kartashev at
Thu Jun 2 14:18:38 UTC 2022

I just filed a bug (8287731 [XWayland] Portions of window get painted with
solid white color) that has something to do with XRender implementation in
XWayland. The bug manifests itself as white rectangles appearing instead of
portions of the window that are painted from pre-created translucent
"compatible images" (GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage()). It
doesn't reproduce always, but shows up often enough. Disabling Glamor *or*
switching to the OpenGL pipeline makes the bug go away.

At this point it is still not clear whether this is a Java thing or
something's wrong with the XRender implementation inside Xorg or even
farther down the stack.

If you have seen this one before and/or have a suggestion on how to further
narrow down the bug's cause, please respond.

P.S. I have only looked at this inside a VMWare virtual machine instance,
so not 100% sure that this can be seen on "real" hardware.


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