SystemTray on Wayland

Maxim Kartashev maxim.kartashev at
Tue Apr 2 14:24:08 UTC 2024

> is there any possibility that the new support in Project Wakefield for
AWT on native Wayland could provide a solution?

Yes, in time. Currently there's no support for this feature in the
prototype code developed under the umbrella of the project Wakefield.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 2:40 AM Simon Nash <simon at> wrote:

> My application creates a SystemTray icon as its primary user interface.
> This has caused issues with some desktops (notably GNOME shell) but so far
> I have been able to find workarounds for these issues.
> Until now, SystemTray has worked perfectly on Raspberry Pi OS. The latest
> version of this (based on Debian bookworm) uses Wayland by default instead
> of X11. The xwayland apt package is installed. SystemTray is not working in
> this environment, with SystemTray.isSupported() returning false.
> There is a raspi-config option to use X11 instead of Wayland. If I select
> this and reboot, everything works perfectly as previously. For now, I can
> tell users to do this but at some point there will be Linux distros with no
> option to make this change.
> I have searched extensively to try to find out if this is a known issue or
> limitation and I haven't found anything. There is JDK-8146318 but this is
> very old and seems to be a different issue.
> Should it be possible to make SystemTray work with the current JDK on
> Wayland with xwayland by setting some system configuration? (I have tried
> the latest JDK 23 EA build.) If not, is there any possibility that this
> could be fixed by a change in the JDK? if not, is there any possibility
> that the new support in Project Wakefield for AWT on native Wayland could
> provide a solution?
> Many thanks,
> Simon
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