Using C++11+ in hotspot

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Tue Aug 7 06:26:48 UTC 2018

On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 11:12 AM, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:

> On Aug 5, 2018, at 8:30 AM, Martin Buchholz <martinrb at> wrote:
> Thanks to whoever added the comment long ago.
> FTR I think it was Steffen Grarup.  We were just learning about MT safety
> at the time.
> The copy conjoint/disjoint APIs were not yet in existence.  I think they
> came around
> 2003, and Paul Hohensee's name is all over the SCCS history there.
> s 00008/00002/00762
> d D 1.147 99/02/17 10:14:36 steffen 235 233
>> I 235
> static inline void copy_table(address* from, address* to, int size) {
>   // Copy non-overlapping tables. The copy has to occur word wise for MT
> safety.
>   while (size-- > 0) *to++ = *from++;
> }
> Today, that loop should be recoded to use copy, and copy in turn needs to
> do whatever magic is required to force word-atomic access on non-atomic
> data.
That loop copies address*, while  pd_disjoint_words_atomic copies HeapWord,
so these are not compatible out of the box.

We could have atomic relaxed copies like below.  Using compiler builtins
also avoids the problem of the underlying type not being declared atomic<>,
and is ISA-independent.  OTOH maybe we always want that loop compiled to
REP MOVSQ on x64.

template <typename T>
static ALWAYSINLINE void copy_atomic_relaxed(const T* from, T* to) {
  T val;
  __atomic_load(from, &val, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
  __atomic_store(to, &val, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);

static void pd_disjoint_words_atomic(const HeapWord* from, HeapWord* to,
size_t count) {
#ifdef AMD64
  switch (count) {
  case 8:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 7, to + 7);
  case 7:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 6, to + 6);
  case 6:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 5, to + 5);
  case 5:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 4, to + 4);
  case 4:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 3, to + 3);
  case 3:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 2, to + 2);
  case 2:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 1, to + 1);
  case 1:  copy_atomic_relaxed(from + 0, to + 0);
  case 0:  break;
    while (count-- > 0) {
      copy_atomic_relaxed(from++, to++);

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